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In a few months this greenhouse/roof deck will be completed.. its a blank canvas what do I paint? ps we will be funded!!!


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The dimensions are as follows:

greenhouse 2 parts (1/2 = prep room 15' X 57'/ other 1/2 = actual floor space 15'X57')  rooftop deck (57' X 30')


I'm thinking 400 gallon flood drain system/ some strawberry towers.. beyond this i'm at a loss.

You say 400 gallon F&D system.  Does that mean 400 gallons of fish tank?  Can you have a sump tank?  I would aim for 800 gallons total of grow beds if you can.

Yes I was thinking 400 gallon of fish tank.. 800 gallons?  Are you thinking 2 400's or 1 big tanks (800gal) with beds coming off? I don't know what a sump tank is hold on... sorry i'm a newbie


A sump tank is normally the lowest tank in the system.

It can deal with water level fluctuations so the fish tank doesn't need to fluctuate so much.


I was thinking more along the lines of the 400 gallon fish tank and say 8 100 gallon grow beds or perhaps 16 50 gallon grow beds.


Aaron said:

Yes I was thinking 400 gallon of fish tank.. 800 gallons?  Are you thinking 2 400's or 1 big tanks (800gal) with beds coming off? I don't know what a sump tank is hold on... sorry i'm a newbie


Thanks TC!  A picture is really worth a thousand words.

TCLynx said:
Ask how much load the floor will take. Figure about 10lbs/gal. that goes for tank and grow bed. You might want a low long tank to distribute the weight of the water vs a tall tank. Just something to think about.
I can see the logic in a chop 2 design now and a reason for a sump tank.  Thanks TC AND CHI 

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