We have had our 2.5 to 4.0 size Blue tilapia dying this past week. We have checked the water for all levels PH etc and also just to make sure, changed the water. The fish do not look sick, we have daisy type flowers and estevia (herb) currently in our hydroton bed system because it was so hot there for awhile. I don't think we can add Melafix to the aquaponic system? and salt is out also. What do you guys think could be the problem. Again water quality good, could certain flowers give off a poisoeous ? to the water such as the daisy? We are just now starting our seedlings of vegetables to go into the greenhouse now that the weather is cooler. thanks for your help Mary
a complete water change could disrupt the nitrification process, especially if the water is chlorinated, but could also stress the fish if there was a ph swing..
what are your temps? - you mentioned the weather is getting cooler.. tilapia will be stressed by big temp changes (as will most fish)