Aquaponic Gardening

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always believed it just confirms it

That's why I sneak up on them at dusk with a knife... and a set of ear muffs... so I can't hear them scream...


Thank god I'm not solely a mass murdering vegetarian...

  Gives a whole new meaning to the companion planting book titled " Carrots Love Tomatoes" !

Plants are every bit as alive as animals, they just don't have a central nervous system.  It is still murder! :)

My plants sing ...'Feed me'....

Anything that gives such joy to us humans must have a spirit.  Not only do they feed us but we thrive when we see them grow.  I tell you I can stare at them everyday until they rot and never eat them just because they make my heart sing.

Thanks David for the link to the song from a really funny movie I down loaded it to watch it again.

Lol...I liked that movie too, even though it was a musical. I remember watching

Rick Moranis in Second City TV, many years 'The Great White North'

playing one of the Mckenzie brothers. It's been years since I saw their movie...

'Stange Brew'.

Sorry for getting the thread off topic....stuck in the house, (central FL) it's been raining

 for a few days straight and at least again tomorrow...

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