Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi All,

  I have one greenhouse.  A small one.  I need to increase size, but I'm also on a limited budget.  I found 39 used glass bricks at a garage sale for 25 cents each.  I have always liked glass bricks...What I want to know is if it would be a wise thing to incorporate them into the walls of a  greenhouse?  I live in the Casacde Mtns. where the wet snow can pile up 4 feet or so in the winter.  Ice buildup is also a challenge.  In the summer it can get to over 100 degrees , but is closer to the 80 degree range.  Of course I will have to heat in the winter.  I will have to open windows in the summer.  Does anyone have any expereince with glass bricks in a greenhouse? Pointers? Words of wisdom? I was thinking it would make a great wall for around the doorway.


- Converse

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Hello -- I am no expert, but I love the idea from an aesthetic perspective. You got me thinking about some other applications as well -- Interesting comments from the beginning of this article here:

Good luck!


That's a great price. How big of a wall can you build with 39 blocks? I personally think they'd be strong enough if mortared, but another option would be to go bricks up 4', then the block above that. Glass doesn't expand/contract like wood, so it doesn't seem like the temperature range would be a concern.


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