Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Good Morning;

Thank you, I am happy that I have joined Aquaponic gardening. A few sentences about my garden; I started to work on my aquaponic garden a year ago working only on week ends. I started smal, just to produce for my family, but ended up with with a huge garden I use a combination of several type of grow beds. I have a 3200 gal of fish tank and almost 4800 sq foot of grow bed area. I finished the project and  will do fishless run for two weeks then add fish to the system. My questions might be premature, but if I have excess vegitables, how and to who can I sale them? Can I get some feed backs please. Thank you. Kevork 

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You could try your local farmers market.  The one close to me offers different packages for vendors. They offer day passes, half season and full season passes. 

Thank you, I will follow your advice

Check your local regulations about selling produce but most produce is pretty easy.  A farmer's market or you might see if there is a local Home Grown market in your area where you could become one of the farms to sell your surplus through.  Or see if there are any other neighbors that simply want to trade.

Thank you again; I will follow your leed


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