Aquaponic Gardening

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We are almost finished building the greenhouse. It's only 6'x7' we are starting out small. I'm chomping at the bit to get started. I have a 20 gal. aquarium and a 55 gal rain barrel for fish. I live in Virginia 

beach, virginia. And I was told at the fish store that Tilipa are not allowed in Virginia so I need some advice what fish should I use if I want to grow fish for food. Any suggestions???  

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We like channel catfish and bluegill but you would need bigger tanks for the catfish.

i was also told (here in florida) from a fish store that tilapia were illegal.  I searched on-line state laws tell a different story; as long as you don’t release them into the wild you can own them as pet or farming.  The state law did not have a limit to the number either.  I think that fish store owners have an agenda, just like a car salesman.


It actually depends on which type of tilapia and where you are in Florida.

Blue Tilapia are ok in most of the state mainly because they have already escaped and naturalized so you can catch then from ponds, lakes and canals and there is even a population living in Tampa bay.

So not much profit for a fish store to sell them and they would have to make sure it is a confirmed pure blue tilapia to legally sell them and you need an aquaculture permit that allows you to sell them so no surprise they are not interested.  Most of the varieties of tilapia that they could make money selling, are also not legal in FL except with a special permit.

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