Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hello all. I am working on building the set up I made a diagram of. So far I have the metal rack,tank,air pump and a few crayfish. Plus a big bag of 1/2 pvc parts. My tank is 40g so it will be a small system. I can always expand down the line.



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Hey Chewy Von MiesterBrau ,

You might want  a smaller valve coming off your pump line directing H2O back into your fish tank to help regulate the flow to your beds.  Also a pump larger than you think you'll need will operate cheaper and give you growth advantages and the extra H2O flow will really benifit the O2 count for the fishies.

Blair,  Popmaster

Chewy, cool.  Indoors or outdoors?  Do you have an idea or goal of when it'll be up and running?  Best wishes.


      So slower return to the fish tank is better? I was thinking I could regulate the return rate with the design of the bell siphon. I agree about the pump, I need something with at least 6' of lift but might get something larger and just dial it down so the pump is running cooler and does not get over worked. 


     The tank will be outside on my patio. I should be up and running at least in the flow testing and timer adjustments in a month. I still need to get the pump and gravel/bottom material. I have a water filtration system en route so I can use my well. Lastly I still need to select trays for the grow beds. Any suggestions? The shelf can support a 40"x15" tray.



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