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Can anyone tell me how much PH down to use, I bought some but there is no instructions as to how to use it, I can't  get my PH down lower that 7.6. I have removed the rocks from the tank and will test them today, am also thinking that I may need to test my grow media, I have expanded shale, what would be the best way to test it? My ammonia is running 0.25, nitrite still high at 2. would a lower PH help with the nitrite? I have been only feeding the fish (catfish) a very small amount once every other day. They have to eat they look so skinny.

Also I know rain water would help, we are due for rain today. Do you collect the rain water and add it slowly or do I just let the rain flow into the grow bed?


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STOP FEEDING THEM ALTOGETHER!!! They can go for weeks and weeks (apparently months even) just fine. Messing with the pH will just stress your fish even more...

And besides adding any type of pH Down product you add directly to your system will bring your pH down for a couple of hours as it will then just shoot back up anyways, until the carbonates in your water are used up.

Your fish will NOT appreciate the pH roller coaster even with healthy water parameters...let alone with significant nitrite readings...

It seems best to treat your top up water first then add that as not to move your pH more than 0.2 or so per day or two...the low pH is ONLY good for the plants...

would adding a filter or another grow bed help me?


Charlette, did your system fully cycle to begin with? Did you do a fishless cyle?... Or, are you cycling now? ...Or, did you make any changes to your system that resulted in the nitrite and ammonia spikes? (Adding more fish, supplements of some kind etc...)

I don't know what size your system components are (volume of growbeds, size of fish tank etc...) So can't really recommend anything there...

Started cycled with an established 75 gal goldfish pond, increased tank size to 180 gal, had pump failure for 14-18 hrs unnoticed  on the same day  I added 30 (6-8in) catfish. Grow bed is 15 sq ft, expanded shale, fish jumping out of water. Ammonia 2, nitrite 5. I did a 50% water chage, added salt to 1ppm. thats been a few weeks ago. Did not feed fish till a few days ago  but ammion still 0.25 and nitrite flexs between 1 and 2. flood and drain, 15 on 30 off with aditional pump for constant air.
Vlad Jovanovic said:

Charlette, did your system fully cycle to with? Did you do a fishless cyle?... Or, are you cycling now? ...Or, did you make any changes to your system that resulted in the nitrite and ammonia spikes? (Adding more fish,  of some kind etc...)

I don't know what size your system components are (volume of growbeds, size of fish tank etc...) So can't really recommend anything there...

Charlote...I'm going to "go out on a limb" here and say that you "can't start cycled". Cycling up you systems means that you are establishing microbial colonies. These microbes colonize SURFACES and not the water itself. Adding water from such a pond, or an already cycled system will help jump start the process, but it's only the ACTUAL SURFACES that the bacteria colonize...and this still takes time, and is a process nonetheless...

I don't think you ever really cycled (if I understood your post correctly)...and are actually doing so now...When did you start your system? What Date?

This is not a 'problem', you can cycle with fish...but as you are finding can be much more stressful that way. STOP FEEDING THEM ENTIRELY and give your bacteria a chance to catch up/get established...

Don't mess with the pH right'll just make it worse (bacteria and fish both love higher pH than the plants anyways)...

Yep Charlotte, agree with Vlad.... stop feeding ... and just be patient... wait until your nitrites return to zero....


And again ditto... don't mess with your pH at the moment... just leave things alone...

Your pH down could contain Phosphoric Acid... and that could end up just causing your system to algael bloom.. and swing pH and oxygen even more.... (you may anyway after your ammonia/nitrites convert)...


It's all  about getting your system into balance...

I agree with Rupert and Vlad.


Yes, add more grow bed.  You say 15 square feet of grow bed so far, If the grow beds are 12 inches deep, then that is only enough for 15 catfish growing out to 1 lb each.  You say you added 30 catfish, well then you only have about half the grow bed you need for that amount of fish.  You do need more filtration.

Ty. I will be adding another bed next week, hard to find the media here in east tx. Now that we had another cold front water temp  in the 60's. Ammonia holding at 0.25 and nitrite 0.50. STILL waiting.. My fish are only 6-8 inches now, and still can't feed them,  I did put a filter on the continues pump, thought I would squeeze it in my new bed next week. Also have to wait on worms to arrive. Can't seem to find anything here. But I am eating lettus already :)

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