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I guess I'll be the bad news bear.  We will soon be offering free or nearly free courses on Aquaponics, commercial or otherwise.  We also will not be selling the illusion of grand profits.

Mr. Farrell, this IS good news!

    I cannot tell you how disappointed I have been to want to attend courses, but they are just out of financial range.  Unfortunately, you are WAY too far away for this to work out in my area...But this will be a blessing for those who live in your region. 

     Even out here there is a "cheap" seminar coming up in Portland for $80.  On a tight budget, that is way too expensive for most of the people I know who would like to learn to do this to be able to feed themselves and their family.   Once again, the loaf of bread is just out of reach. 

    It is frustrating to read that AP is supposed to be a way anyone can feed their family...and yet the knowledge to do so is at a price that anyone who is in dire financail straights (or on their way there) could not afford (or after attending a course would have nothing left over to start an AP system - even a small one).   Yes, I realize that there are many who can pay to go to expensive seminars, and I am not knocking the value of the knowledge presented.  I know there are costs to hold seminars, etc...But if AP is really a way to feed people, then we DO need more people who are really willing to teach others how to do this so that those who really need this can make it happen.

   I do not begrudge those who offer seminars for what they feel is a fair price.  My point is to congratulate you, Mr. Ferrell,  at bringing AP within reach for everyone who would want it.


- Converse
matthew ferrell said:

I guess I'll be the bad news bear.  We will soon be offering free or nearly free courses on Aquaponics, commercial or otherwise.  We also will not be selling the illusion of grand profits.

It might have been taken down because he is a headliner at AE's commercial course here soon.  Not that I disagree with him, but it is bad for business when the business is consulting and educating for high fees on the subject.

We are shooting for 75.  But for this price you get to take home the IBC system you make.  Including pump and media.

We have many food deserts in our area, and education in math and science is deplorable.  My goal is to have a small impact in that area.

Sorry for getting off track.  Let's get back to bashing Lennard for realistic comments.

matthew ferrell said:

It might have been taken down because he is a headliner at AE's commercial course here soon.


Not quite Matthew... it's more because he's a "guest presenter" for a forthcoming 4 day ($1300) "commercial" workshop here in Australia....


Oops... how embarrassment...

Yeah that could be bad too.  Poor guy, no one likes honesty.

Converse said:


It is frustrating to read that AP is supposed to be a way anyone can feed their family...and yet the knowledge to do so is at a price that anyone who is in dire financail straights (or on their way there) could not afford (or after attending a course would have nothing left over to start an AP system - even a small one).   Yes, I realize that there are many who can pay to go to expensive seminars, and I am not knocking the value of the knowledge presented.  I know there are costs to hold seminars, etc...But if AP is really a way to feed people, then we DO need more people who are really willing to teach others how to do this so that those who really need this can make it happen.


Converse... there are 1000's of people here in Australia, and around the world .. that are feeding themselves from AP... and very few of them have attended courses...


Most have learnt all that is required... for FREE... on forums, such as BYAP... and here....


All the knowledge necessary to run a backyard AP system is readily available... "commercial" trainings are another story...

  You are right about the free info on the 'web'.  I learned AP by reading, reading, reading and doing, and of course building on my educational background. 

   There are a lot of people out there who do not learn well by just reading.  There are many learning styles.  Many need to hear, see and/or do to learn.  And of course there is nothing better than having a person you can ask questions of and get clarification for things you do not understand, or thought you understood.

  Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who do not have access to the internet. This can be for many reasons. Cost is one factor.  When you are trying to balance a budget, internet access cannot feed your family, but a carrot can.  So out goes the internet. 

    This is typed just to point out there is a need for in-person teaching as Mr. Farrell is planning on doing.

   Yes, I know the knowledge is out there on the internet here and there....I am just choosing to congratulate a person on this forum for bringing AP out to the public where it is truly assessible for anyone in a format anyone can learn from. (and I am not knocking those who choose to charge more for seminars)...


 And as Mr. Farrell pointed out...back to our regularly scheduled bashing....

I'm going to try to start a free webinar series next month on AP in general- just talking about nutrient balancing, succession cycles, management, crops, etc.  Maybe I can recruit someone with way more fish expertise to help?  (I'm looking at you Matt.)  

Hey.. you can't bash Wilson for being honest...


Bet there's a few people cringing.. and with elevated blood pressure tonight though...

Converse is right, some people learn better by listening to someone while they point.  Others like you and I Oz learn just as well by reading and in my case failing.

Nate they are just fish.  Add water and food and your good to go.  Well that is until they blow a butthole out.

Hey- failure's part of the process, and all of the smart teachers and classrooms in the world can't give you the experience and knowledge that an epic fail or two will.  You really can't be a Buddhist and an AP practitioner- too much bad karma from killing so many fish and plants. . . 

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