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I am comming to phoenic this month and wanted to see an aquaponics set up if anyone is willing.  Off the subject i am a fossil rockhound and want to know a good place to start looking. Please write me people

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What part of Phoenix will you be in, what days will you be here, and for how long?

I know we will be at a TICA cat show to show our snow bengal,  while my wife is there i will be out looking for rocks and fossils or looking at aquaponic set ups whatever comes my way, since i am a science teacher it both applies. Our web site is if you wan to see the cats, i forgot my picture for this site is the cat.


We will be there on spring break from the leave the 16 and 17-19th of march in phoenix.

Sheri Schmeckpeper said:


What part of Phoenix will you be in, what days will you be here, and for how long?

Have you found any systems to check out? Unfortunately we'll be going up to Kingman from the 16th to the 18th. There are others who will be in town, though.

As for fossils, AZ has a lot of interesting places, but I don't know about places in Phoenix, specifically. The Petrified Forest is always interesting, but that's in Holbrook. The gem show in Quartzite (another long drive) ended in February.

I do have someone take me out to look for tourquise and i bought a small metal detecter so i will  go forth and see what i can find out away from phoenix.  I have one system to look at though, i am getting my materials together, i have a large plastic pool and some pvc pipe from a trailer to set pots in and i have tilapia nearby at a fish farm.

Sheri Schmeckpeper said:

Have you found any systems to check out? Unfortunately we'll be going up to Kingman from the 16th to the 18th. There are others who will be in town, though.

As for fossils, AZ has a lot of interesting places, but I don't know about places in Phoenix, specifically. The Petrified Forest is always interesting, but that's in Holbrook. The gem show in Quartzite (another long drive) ended in February.

Excellent! Post a note in the main AZ thread and you might find another system or two to check out.

I will be there 17-19 Mar near phoenix , my wife will be at the cat show so i am out looking for rocks.  I am going with someone to look for tourquise 1 day, i will bring a metal detector but not sure where to go.
Sheri Schmeckpeper said:


What part of Phoenix will you be in, what days will you be here, and for how long?

Here's a great website for fossils:  Unfortunately you'll be in Maricopa County, and the fossils appear to be everywhere else.And here's some info for rockhounds:  If you like petroglyphs, there are a lot of them all over the place in AZ. Just do some web homework to find specific places. AZ is a great place for geological study, and it's a great time of year to be outdoors!

I'm glad you'll be with someone else--is this someone from AZ or familiar with Arizona? It's not wise to go out in the wilds alone. Take lots of water (it is dry here) and watch for the usual cadre of biting things while you dig: rattlers, tarantulas & scorpions' but don't be paranoid about it. Some people get really skitterish. Most importantly, have fun!

I am an army veteran and used to traversing difficult terrain.  I plan to take water of course my trusty compass and a long stick to check around rocks for snakes and the taratulas and scorpians better be aware thast i am a science teacher and  i like to pin arachnids in my arthropod collection.

Sheri Schmeckpeper said:

Here's a great website for fossils:  Unfortunately you'll be in Maricopa County, and the fossils appear to be everywhere else.And here's some info for rockhounds:  If you like petroglyphs, there are a lot of them all over the place in AZ. Just do some web homework to find specific places. AZ is a great place for geological study, and it's a great time of year to be outdoors!

I'm glad you'll be with someone else--is this someone from AZ or familiar with Arizona? It's not wise to go out in the wilds alone. Take lots of water (it is dry here) and watch for the usual cadre of biting things while you dig: rattlers, tarantulas & scorpions' but don't be paranoid about it. Some people get really skitterish. Most importantly, have fun!

LOL! A worthy opponent for our wildlife! I was out on a hike one time when rattlesnakes were on the move. I was so intent on watching for them, that I came inches from squashing a very plump tarantula!

To be honest, I have friends who seem to encounter rattlers nearly every time they go out, but I've been hiking AZ for over 16 years and have yet to meet one on (or off) the trail. I think more people have problems with dehydration and jumping cactus than the critters.


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