Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I have read a number of threads about heaters in systems but was wondering if this was something that us here in South Florida need to concern ourselves with?

What is the optimum temperature for a happy tilapia tank and grow bed?

Would you all suggest some sort of shade cloth over my GB/FT system? The location where I plan to locate my system would get morning and overhead sun through about 1pm then system would be shaded for the rest of the day. Suggestions?

Will tilapia eat oatmeal or any grains in addition to duckweed an would it be healthy for them?


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Bob, have you ordered Sylvia's book yet? it has the answers to all the questions you asking. The Aquaponics Gardening book is a must have for any level aquapon.

its the most complete book on AP available. tell her Rob sent you.

Where is the interaction in that Rob? Tough to socialize with a book or leave little funny messages for each other or keep up with the latest progress. Besides there are volumes of information on the subject online and here on this forum. The folks here have been wonderful and very helpful.

Rob Nash said:

Bob, have you ordered Sylvia's book yet? it has the answers to all the questions you asking. The Aquaponics Gardening book is a must have for any level aquapon.

its the most complete book on AP available. tell her Rob sent you.

i hear you on the interaction, that is one of the best things about the site.  ...but week after week, we see alot of the same questions answered throughout the site, sure there is a thread for every question times 3.  

either way, the book is very informative. gota go to work now, cheers.

There is a group for tilapia growers that may have information you seek.  Tilapia are warm water fish and if the water temp drops below 55 F you risk them starting to get sick and die on you.  If the water temp is below 70 F the tilapia won't be eating much or growing or providing waste to grow your veggies.  So figure out if water will stay warm enough for your goals.  You might want some shade in the extreme heat of summer but since you only get really morning sun, and afternoon shade, it might not be necessary.

Also I have learned that below 68 F you won't see any tomatoes fruiting.

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