Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Hi Everyone! We're Expanding! We are pleased to announce that we have just received the necessary permits to build a new greenhouse. This 1200 square foot, state-of-the-art building will utilize some of our latest technology to enhance the building’s energy conservation, as well as monitor and control an aquaponics growing system. The greenhouse will be used for our research and development, and it will become the focal point of the farm as a visitor center. Construction is scheduled to start this spring and we are eagerly waiting for the ground to thaw.

This video is the first part of a series I'll produce over the next year or so. I hope you enjoy the adventure!


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I made a design revision to the rocket mass heater.  It makes a huge difference with being able to remove the ash out of the burn tunnel.


After posting information about my rocket mass heater (, I realized I could use cinderblocks for my 'chimney' inside my 55 gallon barrel. All I had to do is chip off half of the cinder block (I was using the ~12"x16"x8" size). Turns out four of these stacked on edge only adds up to 30.5", and my 55 gallon drum is ~33" high on the inside.

Love the tip about the ash pit - will try to figure out how I can do something similar given that my RMH isn't dug in...

You could also buy the half blocks too.    I would be curious to see how well the blocks would survive the heat.  I noticed that some of my antique bricks have cracks in them.  No harm may have been from moisture that was in them....

Meg Stout said:


After posting information about my rocket mass heater (, I realized I could use cinderblocks for my 'chimney' inside my 55 gallon barrel. All I had to do is chip off half of the cinder block (I was using the ~12"x16"x8" size). Turns out four of these stacked on edge only adds up to 30.5", and my 55 gallon drum is ~33" high on the inside.

Love the tip about the ash pit - will try to figure out how I can do something similar given that my RMH isn't dug in...

My local home depot doesn't have half blocks... The big blocks run $2.20 apiece, which makes this chimney less expensive than the insulated 6" chimney pipe I originally was using. I suppose if I find the cinder blocks degrading, I could "line" the inside with a 6" diameter bit of black chimney pipe (the larger hole in certain styles of the large blocks are large enough to accommodate the 6" pipe).

Then again, we've had a really mild winter, so I haven't had to fire this up to keep my fish happy. The blue gill, minnows, and gold fish are all sufficiently happy even when the water gets down to 40-50 degrees. Which is to say they don't feed much, but they're all still quite alive.

Starting the foam spraying.  It took a bit to get the feel of it but eventually I was able to get an even spray.

Making progress! It's far easier than doing fiber glass. Especially since all the wall cavities aren't even.

The oompa-loompa suit is a must!  I got some of this stuff on my arm and I pulled all the hairs out trying to get it off.  ;-)

Wow - that looks like serious insulation! Looking forward to hearing how your temperature control improves with this investment.

I know some of you find these teasers agonizing, but here's the next one!    Don't worry, the project is almost done and I won't torture you with these videos anymore!

Agonizing? Ha! They work just as advertised - they tease the heck out of ya. It's really coming together. I can't wait for the full featured video!

I'm glad to see you're still getting along with Ford. What would you do without him? I'd love to come out again soon before things in the greenhouse get too crazy. Let me know.

Well....  You're welcome to come out next weekend.  I'm planning on laying all the brick for the floor.  If you have a strong back and weak mind, it's a great job! 

Hey everyone... it is Rob's birthday today!  Please join me in assaulting him with some  birthday love!  

Happy B-Day Brah!!!!!  Love your project btw. 

LOL.  Luckily I only get assaulted every 4 years.

Sylvia Bernstein said:

Hey everyone... it is Rob's birthday today!  Please join me in assaulting him with some  birthday love!  


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