Aquaponic Gardening

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I have built a couple of DIY solar ovens from cardboard and aluminum foil like this one called the CooKit. They actually worked pretty well, but were not very durable. I have been contemplating the purchase of a SOS Sport Solar Oven. They cost $135 + $39 for shipping. I am a big bbq enthusiast, but in the interest of becoming more "green" I think I could have a lot of fun cooking with solar ovens instead of charcoal. It's healthier as well.

Has anyone found a better solar oven than the SOS Sport for the money from a bang for the buck perspective?

I am interested in other suggestions / perspectives.

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Hey Brian,  Have you checked out some of the DIY Solar Oven videos on YouTube? 

I love You Tube. There is a video of a solar oven cooking in nine degree weather It is definitely cool.

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