I was wondering when I should add gosht shrimp to my system? Sould I put them in before the algie blooms or after it has? I am giong to be using goldfish in the tank. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
If you put shrimps in before the system naturally produces phytoplankton, you will have to feed them. Extra goldfish food would work. Make sure they have cover/ safety zone, esp when they are smaller dep on size of goldfish.
Yea, I was gonna say, ghost shrimp would make fancy fish food.
Keep in mind that adding anything to a system to "control algae" may not be overly effective. Some creatures will filter green water and others will eat surface algae but most do not do both. Ghost shrimp I believe will also happily eat detritus so they could be of benefit even if there is no algae. I generally recommend shade or reducing sunlight access to water to be the most effective way to limit algae.
Carey is right, you will need some place for the shrimp to be protected from the goldfish.