Aquaponic Gardening

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I had no problem germinating lettuce seeds, but I am trying to germinate 2 different types of pepper seeds (habanero and chili) using the wet paper towel in a bag method.

I have the seeds inbetween the layers of the paper towel inside of a zip lock bag (to retain moisture) and under a desk light lamp.  

I had the habanero pepper seeds in there for longer then the labeled germination period, of 7-10 days, and nothing.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I could go get one of those little seedling egg-crate like containers, and i have a tank heater for a snake tank.  If i put the heating pad under the container with soil and the seeds, should they sprout?

Plants seem to be my weakness.

Also, if anyone has any insight/experience into the plants that i have pictured below.

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peas, lettuce, parsley and Dill are all cool weather plants in my experience.

The rest are warm weather plants.

The peppers, Well perhaps another seed starting method would help but you might also check the planting by the moon (if you plant at the wrong time, some seeds will tend not to germinate.)

alright, thanks, ill look into that, never heard of  'planting by the moon' before.  sounds like fussy seeds to me

I'm not certain but there are times when I've planted seeds and it seems nothing comes up.  Sometimes it's bad seeds, other times perhaps the moon just wasn't right.

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