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What's up with that?

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Thanks Sylvia


We really have to relalize when we are being led down that path that gets our goat.  I am getting better.  I saw this from the beginning. 

Sometimes its fun to do a little fishing...
My apologies mom :)
It was looking like a little prodding would bring out what he was really trying to accomplish, so a few of us had a little fun.
I did feel a little guilty when it became apparent he was disturbed (literally).
Lesson learned.

... im trying to figure out what exactly he was trying to prove? lol i mean io know he spoke a lot... but not much was actually said... other than a very detailed linneage of aquaponics... im not sure if he was trying to give a skewed history lesson or actually trying to prove who infact we should be giving credit to for what aquaponics is today....

I think, through his relationship with McMurtry, and McMurtry's failing health... he was bemoaning what he saw as a lack of respect for his friends work...

hmmm so to honor him, this guy acts like a fool, claims he's a close friend of McMurty, and then puts the mental stability of the whole group into question by acting in such a way...


i can htink of about 100 different ways one could go about asking people to pay respects to an inudustry / scientific leader... and none of them involve vulgarity, personal attacks, or moaning over the current state of things.


for McMurty's failing health... it's always sad to see someone sliding down hill. all sorts of things can be brought into focus in retrospect, but, as always, things will happen the way they happen at the time, and there's little anyone can do to change the course of things  in the moments that they happen...


the best we can do is pay respect to someone in the best ways possible... berating others in the name of the one we're supposed to respect is counterproductive... the catholics have proven this time and time again with their attacks on many minorities... if all neverfear wanted was some accredidation thrown McMurty's way, all he had to do was simply ask.

He clearly resents that some have found a way to make a living in the industry - I thinking he feels McMurtry was somehow slighted, possibly because he chose to share information for free. Certainly noble, buy absolutely his choice.
He clearly resents that some have found a way to make a living in the industry - I'm thinking he feels McMurtry was somehow slighted, possibly because he chose to share information for free. Certainly noble, but absolutely his choice.

the person that wrote the C: programing language died last year. the person that made computers what they are today passed, and nobody knows his name... the guy that invents the ipod dies, and millions cry...


accredidation is often lost to he pages of history, and in somecases the most important people in history pass on and many don't even know the impact that they've made on the world...


im not suire that this will bring solice... and it really isn't meant to... there are things people use everyday, and these people don't even know the names of those who invented these objects... it happens all of the time...

Sorry, can't edit on my mobile - it reposted after my edit

Like Randall W. I too was not sure if I would could put my two cents in, then the bashing. I'm glad mom does spend time reading everything and putting her foot down. Cheers to you Sylvia.

BTW, thank you everyone that listed all these studies. I have barely touched it but have learned and refreshed a lot already.

I am still not sure what neverfear intended and I don't mean to discount anyone's work but I can vouch that my dad was just as much a pioneer in this field as anyone. He is what I would term as one of the last of the gentlemen scholars, way ahead of his time. In 1976 my dad created an above ground, green-water system that used a living machine as a bio filter (all custom made plexyglass tubes) that was attached to our home, bypassing the original septic system. With our definition of AP today, it cannot be defined as a true AP system because the water did not circulate but ran to waste in what we would call a grey water system then with timed irrigation was irrigated (run to waste) in the garden beds and different experimental hydroponics systems.

He didn't do it with expectations of rewards in any form. He simply followed through to prove or disprove his theories with his own money, towards the goal of independent/ off grid/ sustainable whose footstep I have followed to this day. Whether  this is trained or genetic, I cannot say. For me and some of us; it is a simple drive that consumes my every waking (and some sleeping) moment/s. 

I believe whenever the "higher authorities" decide to lift the vale of knowledge/ wisdom so to speak, eleven people around the globe are enlightened at the same time. Only a few make it to the finish line and in the end it is not the originator that gets the credit but those that follow and steel the glory and rewards by being first to bring it to market. History is full of examples.

It is my hope that AP does not go the rout of traditional capitalism to further exploit but left as a grassroots movement for the betterment of mankind. I hope that all of us backyard scientist, inventors and pioneers in this field freely share experience, data and technology without bickering or squabble and share patents freely to keep profit making corporations out of the picture.

That (applying for patents) is what I hope this Aquaponics Association would do and become the central clearinghouse of knowledge which is why we pay dues. The association's only function is R&D&E [research, development and education (free)] and will in no way be directly connected to persons or entities that sell systems and or components (members and users).

Yes I know I am naive. But even as a grown man, I still fantasize that we will evolve out of capitalism into the utopian society depicted in Star Trek. I hope the Mayan Calander signifies the beginning of a new cycle of enlightenment with AP as the spark.


Carey Ma said:


It is my hope that AP does not go the rout of traditional capitalism to further exploit but left as a grassroots movement for the betterment of mankind. I hope that all of us backyard scientist, inventors and pioneers in this field freely share experience, data and technology without bickering or squabble and share patents freely to keep profit making corporations out of the picture.

That (applying for patents) is what I hope this Aquaponics Association would do and become the central clearinghouse of knowledge which is why we pay dues. The association's only function is R&D&E [research, development and education (free)] and will in no way be directly connected to persons or entities that sell systems and or components (members and users).


Wow Carey... there's so many contradictions in the above.. I hardly no where to start...


The "cat is already out of the bag"... in terms of the "capitalist exploitation" of AP... indeed that's exactly why many members are here, and their stated directions... "commercialisation"...


Indeed, there are those that would say that the primary motivation for the formation of the Aquaponics Association... was to create an entity to represent aquaponics for exactly that reason...


As to patents... they only exist for the purpose of "capitalist exploitation"....


And while I'm all for the Association pursueing, and/or sponsering R&D... I wouldn't have a bar of the Association attempting to "patent" anything... because there'd be no greater corruption to surrender to commercial interests and capitalist exploitation... than to do so...


P.S ... my Grandfather kept Koi since as long as I can remember.. and recirculated the pond over gravel beds... in which he grow his tomatos, and other things.. about 50 years ago...

And religiously kept records of everything that he did and was involved.. including selective breeding...

And it's rumoured that he knew Noah when he was a boy as well....

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