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What's up with that?
If you wish specific answers, you will need to make your questions more specific. I've spent hours and hours typing answers here and I can't answer all possible questions to every post. I need the questions to be at least vaguely specific so that I'm only typing 3 or 4 answers over and over again at a time. There are only so many hours in a day and you can always read my threads over on BYAP or read my blog posts on my web site.
wow... this guy really knows how to work the wikipedia website... anyways. data in the for of pictures, which can be used a crude diagrams or examples of what's working for people, are more than abundant here...
if you're looking for quantifiable data, most of the people doing aquaponics are hobbyists and dont take down those kinds of records.
if you'd like i cant point you into many directions that will lead you to the data that you seek, but be prepared to pay someone for their work in the form of purchasing a book, paying for a class, or paying for private consulting.
the continued usage of dictionary quotations to prove what ever vague point you were trying to make, although very informative, serve no real purpose...
and as TC said... maybe a little bit of specification will go a long way in your journey for knowledge... you don't see many people running into a college screaming "I WANT TO LEARN!,' being hand fed the specific information that they were looking for...
"In the 1970s research on using plants as a natural filter began, most notably by Dr. James Rakocy at the University of the Virgin Islands."
I'll spoon-feed this baby till he needs a nap :)
You will find plenty of colorful diagrams, pretty curves and jolly pictures in these REPORTS. So educate yourself a bit and if you need more I've got around 5Gb of pdf's for you, if you care to be a bit more polite about it ...
Evaluation and development of Aquaponics Production and Product Mar...
Also you might want to do a bit of digging on your own, it's healthy :
Rakocy, JE 1992, ‘Feasibility of using vegetable hydroponics to treat aquaculture effluents’,
pp. 347–350 in Blake J, Donald J & Magette W, editors, Proceedings of the National
Livestock, Poultry and Aquaculture Waste Management Workshop, American Society of
Agricultural Engineers Publication 03–92, Kansas City, Missouri.
Rakocy, JE, Losordo TA & Masser MP 1992, ‘Recirculating aquaculture production systems:
integrating fish and plant culture’, Southern Region Aquaculture Center Publication No. 454,
Delta Branch Experiment Station, Stoneville, Mississippi.
Rakocy, JE & Hargreaves JA 1993, ‘Integration of vegetable hydroponics with fish culture:
a review’, pp. 112–136 in Wang JK, editor, Proceedings of the Aquaculture Engineering
Conference on Techniques for Modern Aquaculture, Aquacultural Engineering Group,
American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
Rakocy, JE Hargreaves JA & Bailey DS 1993, ‘Nutrient accumulation in a recirculating
aquaculture system integrated with hydroponic vegetable production’, pp. 148–158
in Wang JK, editor, Proceedings of the Aquaculture Engineering Conference on
Techniques for Modern Aquaculture, Aquacultural Engineering Group, American Society
of Agricultural Engineers.
Rakocy, JE 1994, ‘Waste management in integrated recirculating systems’, Proceedings
of the 21st United States-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Bulletin of National Research
Institute of Aquaculture, Supplement 1:75-80.
Rakocy, JE 1994, ‘Aquaponics: the integration of fish and vegetable culture in recirculating
systems’, pp. 101–108 in Palada MC and Clarke CC, editors, Proceedings of the 30th Annual
Meeting of the Caribbean Food Crops Society, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.
Rakocy, JE & Padda DS 1994, ‘Development of a system for integrating vegetable
hydroponics with fish culture: promising technology for Caribbean islands’, pp. 287–
293 in Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Tropical Agriculture in the 20th
Century and Prospects for the 21st: TA 2000, Special Issue of Tropical Agriculture, Portof-Spain, Trinidad.
Rakocy, JE 1995, ‘The role of plant crop production in aquacultural waste management’,
pp. 349–364 in Timmons MB, editor, Aquacultural Engineering and Waste Management,
NRAES-90, Northeast Regional Agriculture Engineering Service, Ithaca, New York.
Gloger KC, Rakocy JE, Cotner JB, Bailey DS, Cole WM & Shultz KA 1995, ‘Contribution of
lettuce to wastewater treatment capacity of raft hydroponics in a closed recirculating fish
culture system’, pp. 272–300 in Timmons MB, editor, Agricultural Engineering and Waste
Management, NRAES-90, Northeast Regional Agriculture Engineering Service, Ithaca,
New York.
Palada MC, Cole WM, Crossman SM.A, Rakocy JE & Kowalski JA 1995, Fish culture
water and sludge applied via drip irrigation improves yield of pak choi (Brassica rape),
HortScience 30:885A.
Bailey DS, Rakocy JE, Cole WM & Shultz KA 1997, ‘Economic analysis of commercial-scale
aquaponic system for the production of Tilapia and lettuce’, pp. 603–612 in Fitzsimmons K,
editor, Tilapia Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in
Aquaculture, Orlando, Florida.
Rakocy JE 1997, ‘Integrating Tilapia culture with vegetable hydroponics in recirculating
systems’, pp. 163–184 in Costa-Pierce BA & Rakocy JE, editors, Tilapia Aquaculture in the
Americas, Vol. 1 1997, World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Rakocy JE, Bailey DS, Shultz KA & Cole WM 1997, ‘Development of an aquaponic system
for the intensive production of Tilapia and hydroponic vegetables’, pp. 250–251 in Martinique
97 - Island Aquaculture and Tropical Aquaculture, European Aquaculture Society.
Rakocy JE, Bailey DS, Shultz KA & Cole WM 1997, ‘Evaluation of a commercial-scale
aquaponic unit for the production of Tilapia and lettuce’, pp. 357–372 in Fitzsimmons K,
editor, Tilapia Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Tilapia in
Aquaculture, Orlando, Florida.
Rakocy JE 1998, ‘Integrating hydroponic plant production with recirculating system
aquaculture: some factors to consider’ pp. 392–394 in Libey GS & Timmons MB, editors,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture,
Roanoke, Virginia.
Rakocy JE, Shultz RC & Bailey DS 1998, ‘Commercial aquaponics for the Caribbean’
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, St.
Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
Stanghellini ME, Kim DH, Rakocy JE, Gloger KC & Clinton H 1998, First report of root rot
of hydroponically grown lettuce caused by Pythium myriotylum in a commercial production
facility, Plant Disease 82:831.
Rakocy JE 1999, ‘The Status of Aquaponics, Part 1’, Aquaculture Magazine, 25 (4) 83–88.
Rakocy, JE 1999, ‘The Status of Aquaponics, Part 2’, Aquaculture Magazine, 25 (5) 64–70.
Rakocy, JE 2002, ‘An integrated fish and field crop system for arid areas’, pp. 263–285
in Costa-Pierce BA, editor, Ecological Aquaculture: The Evolution of the Blue Revolution,
Blackwell Science, Oxford, UK.
Rakocy, JE 2002, ‘Aquaponics: vegetable hydroponics in recirculating systems’ pp. 631–672
in Timmons MB, Ebeling JM, Wheaton FW, Summerfedt ST & Vince BJ, eds, Recirculating
Aquaculture Systems, 2nd Edition, North Eastern Regional Aquaculture Center.
Rakocy JE & Bailey DS 2003, ‘Initial economic analyses of aquaponic systems’, pp. 58–64
in Aquaculture Europe 2003: Beyond Monoculture, European Aquaculture Society, Special
Publication No. 33.
Rakocy JE, Shultz RC, Bailey DS & Thoman ES 2004, ‘Aquaponic production of Tilapia
and basil: comparing a batch and staggered cropping system’, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS)
Rakocy JE, Bailey DS, Shultz RC & Thoman ES 2004, ‘Update on Tilapia and vegetable
production in the UVI aquaponic system’, pp. 676–690 in Blivar RB, Mair GC, Fitzsimmons
K, eds, Proceedings from the Sixth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture,
Manila, Philippines.
Rakocy JE, 2006, ‘Commercial aquaponic system prototype, University of the Virgin Islands’,
Aquaculture Compendium, CAB International.
Rakocy JE, Masser MP & Losordo TM 2006, ‘Recirculating aquaculture tank production
system: aquaponics – integrating fish and plant culture’, Southern Regional Aquaculture
Center, SRAC Publication No. 454, pp. 16.
Rakocy JE 2007, ‘Ten Guidelines for aquaponic systems’, Aquaponics Journal 46 (3) 14–17.
Rakocy JE, Bailey DS, Shultz RC & Danaher JJ 2007, ‘Preliminary evaluation of organic
waste from two aquaculture systems as a source of inorganic nutrients for hydroponics’,
Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 742: 201–207.
Savidov NA, Hutchings E & Rakocy JE 2007, ‘Fish and plant production in a recirculating
aquaponic system: a new approach to sustainable agriculture in Canada’, Acta Horticulturae
(ISHS) 742: 209-221.
Rakocy JE, Bailey DS, Shultz RC & Danaher JJ 2007, ‘Fish and vegetable production in a
commercial aquaponic system: 25 years of research at the University of the Virgin Islands’,
Proceedings of the 2007 National Canadian Aquaculture Conference (in press).
Pantanella E, Danaher JJ, Rakocy JE, Shultz RC & Bailey DS 2009, ‘Alternative media types
for lettuce seedlings and basil production’, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) (in press).
Danaher JJ, Pantanella E, Rakocy JE, Shultz RC & Bailey DS 2009, ‘Dewatering and
composting aquaculture waste as a growing medium in the nursery production of tomato
plants’, Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) (in press).
This should keep you busy for a while... Feel free to ask for more, this just an appetizer ... :)
Yeah, Mark had already finished his research and was in Africa at that time.
So what's your point?
1. i'd watch the language.
2. without substantial evidence such a voice recordings, signed paperwork, or anything... you're leaving a lot up to speculation... just like most conspiracy theorists...
3. connecting the dots in a manner that best suits you doesn't prove validity... it's just proves you spend wayyyy too much time connecting imaginary dots...
4. just because someone was involved in a teacher / student relationship, that doesnt mean the student couldn't have found flaws in their teaching and improved on the lessons taught. it's not theft, it's evolution.
5. quoting wikipedia is a flawed techniques at best... most of what you've put up here concerning the "history" of aquaponics has been copy and pasted straight from that website. (with a few vulgar additions) wikipedia isn't the word of god, it's free lance information with all of its beauties and flaws... which is why most college courses don't allow wikipedia as a source or reference point... you should think about doing the same.
6. how did your quest for knowledge turn into a head hunt for the true creator of aquaponics? and if you're looking for aquaponics' birth place... you have to dig a bit further back into time then just the 1970's.... im talking way back... like the B.C. eras...
7. time's change, vernaculars change, and perceptions change. what could have been considered large back in the 80's could be childs play now...just look at architecture from the early 1900's... 5 stories tall used to be the max height for all buildings due to needing to climb steps... now... sky scrapers... see the difference?
8. all of science is based on what someone once saw and observed, and then others follow in observing more, most times making slight changes or variations to observation techniques due to the advancement of technology... think solar system... and one point the earth was the center of it all... then copernicus changed the way we looked at things, the galileo changed things again... again... this is evolution, not thievery with modification.
9.1 change in observation or execution of a data source or experiment can change the uses of what ever was being studied for the following generations. one guy gives birth to the idea, other people follow, using that one main idea, and modify it to fit in many different facets... the technical becomes easier to understand. large systems become smaller and easier to manage for back yard hobbyists. this would be the evolution of an idea through modification...
10. it's always good to have a list of 10... 10 seems like a strong number, and lists of 10 tend to be taken more seriously than lists of 9 or 11... moses had a list of 10 of his own handed down by god... so 10 must be an important number... it just might be why the metric system is based on 10. (= 10.... it's a serious number. (inspired by george carlin. not stolen, but modified to be suit my needs)
The ONLY reason that anyone (including you, you, you and me) have ever heard of (so-called) 'ebb and flow' et al "aquaponics" in the first thru last place - NTM that you can legally 'do' (attempt) it today (and always) - is that (because)
What is wrong with your reading comprehensions?
"Drs McMurtry, RG Hodson, PV Nelson, DC Sanders, et al. prevented (long complicated 'story') NCSU from transferring (selling) "proprietary rights" to the technology to the likes of ADM, Monsanto, RJR Nabisco, Campbell's, and a dozen other multinational ag-conglomerates (each) seeking exclusivity (and to secure Patent positions). Eventually, any/all "rights" were formally granted ("returned") to Dr. McMurtry as the "Inventor of Record" and then he (and associates) did actively disseminate said 'system' across the country and the globe (via seminars, workshops and courses at various universities, research institutes, governments (US, mid-east, Africa), and 100's of PVO's and NGO's etc.) thru 1996."
"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
Oh yes if it's about who "invented" aquaponics then no need to quote any contemporary dude...
The first recorded aquaponics system was the Aztec's... And they not only "invented" it, they fed their whole culture on it and it became an important factor in building their empire.
"These “floating gardens” produced 3 crops a year and grew at least a half to two-thirds of the food consumed by the 200,000 residents of Tenochtitlan." This is humbling, we are still far behind in terms of incorporating aquaponics in our society... and honestly neverfear, you are not helping :)
Weboholism is a term with multiple and sometimes conflicting definitions. According to My Uncle Bob, Weboholism refers to any condition that results in the continued use of TheInternet despite the health problems and negative social consequences it causes. Medical definitions describe Weboholism as a disease which results in a persistent use of The Net despite negative consequences (not counting looking at porn which everyone does. Weboholism may also refer to a preoccupation with or compulsion toward posting on public Forumsand/or an impaired ability to recognize the negative effects of updating your Face Book page at 3:20am in the morning. Although not all of these definitions specify current and on-going use of The Web as a qualifier, some do, as well as remarking on the long-term effects of consistent, heavy Web Use, including Forum Posting, and especially Trolling.
Whilst logging onto the Internet is, by definition, necessary to develop Weboholism, the use of Web does not predict the development of Weboholism. The quantity, frequency and regularity of posting, trolling and downloading porn required to develop Weboholism varies greatly from person to person. In addition, although the biological mechanisms underpinning Weboholism are uncertain, some risk factors, including Alcohol, Boredom and Being a total Twat, have been identified.
My Uncle Bob's next door neighbour defines Weboholism as "a pretty wacky thing" and its cuased by just not being able to get off the Internet those bloody Internet forums, and that stupid Face Book it is a chronic disease characterized by impaired control over the keyboard and mouse, preoccupation with fake user ids and Trolling the Web, excessive use of the Web despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking.
ok guy, please arrive at your point... because this is cutting into having a productive discussion about aquaponics....
and as always, if you're currently having a problem with the ways things are being done, you can always write a book about it, and im betting DOZENS of people will buy it.
or, you can lead by example, do something note worthy yourself, and again, write a book for DOZENS to enjoy...
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