Aquaponic Gardening

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ATM I have 600 gallons of pond space and am currently building 4x24 ft troughs for my growing spaces, 

Do I include the water volume for pond size as the water is recirculated reducing waste build up ??  

I've had hydropOnics systems a while now and have a small system for aquaponics and we are looking at making a much larger system (we have 10 IBC's on site ATM and  about 1/2 an acre of space 

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Do I include the water in the trough when makeubg my Fischer capacity calculations 

You use the fish tank volume in your calculations for fish stocking.  You only really worry about the trough volume when you need to figure things like salting the system if you ever have to do that.

That's what I thought but best to ask before doing stupid stuff 

TCLynx said:

You use the fish tank volume in your calculations for fish stocking.  You only really worry about the trough volume when you need to figure things like salting the system if you ever have to do that.

While trough volume helps with water temp and chemistry stability, it isn't providing space directly to your fish.  Just because you have thousands of gallons of water in the system, doesn't mean you can put more than a certain number of fish in a 200 gallon fish tank.

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