Aquaponic Gardening

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Aquaponics has recently been included in National News stories. If you have links to any such stories, please share them here :-)

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Another news media article...headline almost reads like  an "Eureka" event :-)

Aquaponics, or growing plants in water from fish farming, is an eff...

God bless,

"If You Want More Local Food, Stop Criminalizing Family Farmers"

If You Want More Local Food, Stop Criminalizing Family Farmers

On Wednesday January, 11 Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Herschberger must appear before a county judge in Baraboo, WI. His crime? Providing unpasteurized dairy products from his small herd of about twenty pastured cows to members of his own buying club.  Half way across the continent in Maine, Daniel Brown, another family farmer with a small livestock herd was notified last November that he was being sued by the state for selling food and milk without a license.   At the time he was milking one Jersey cow.

In Valencio County, New Mexico, the Hispano Chamber of Commerce was forced to cancel its popular Matanza Festival set for Jan. 28th under pressure from the USDA which said the centuries old tradition of processing and serving pigs on site could no longer be done outside of a federally certified slaughter facility.   Last July in Oak Park, Minnesota bureaucrats threatened Julie Bass with up to three months in jail for daring to grow vegetables in her own front yard.  In September,  Adam Guerroro was ordered to remove his kitchen garden because it was deemed a “public nuisance” by Memphis, Tennessee officials...

Thank you for sharing.

So sad...Totally agree with the writer's conclusion..."If people in ....... want to enjoy access to fresh local food from family farmers in the future they may need to pass similar ordinances here.  Otherwise, corrupt government under the sway of corporate agribusiness will make sure they have no choice at all."

God bless,

Rick Op said:

"If You Want More Local Food, Stop Criminalizing Family Farmers"

If You Want More Local Food, Stop Criminalizing Family Farmers

On Wednesday January, 11 Wisconsin dairy farmer Vernon Herschberger must appear before a county judge in Baraboo, WI. His crime? Providing unpasteurized dairy products from his small herd of about twenty pastured cows to members of his own buying club.  Half way across the continent in Maine, Daniel Brown, another family farmer with a small livestock herd was notified last November that he was being sued by the state for selling food and milk without a license.   At the time he was milking one Jersey cow.

In Valencio County, New Mexico, the Hispano Chamber of Commerce was forced to cancel its popular Matanza Festival set for Jan. 28th under pressure from the USDA which said the centuries old tradition of processing and serving pigs on site could no longer be done outside of a federally certified slaughter facility.   Last July in Oak Park, Minnesota bureaucrats threatened Julie Bass with up to three months in jail for daring to grow vegetables in her own front yard.  In September,  Adam Guerroro was ordered to remove his kitchen garden because it was deemed a “public nuisance” by Memphis, Tennessee officials...

The Arc of Meriden has a new system in their greenhouse.  They invited me down to tour their greenhouse and say hello to their visitors:  CT Governor Dan Malloy and the Commissioner for the Department of Agriculture, Steven Reviczky.

There were several new groups (video and newspapers) there.  Here is one clip from Channel 8 (ABC).  Oddly, they don't mention anything about the head of the state being there! 

Aquaponic greenhouse yields food for business:

-Rob T  (Chair for the North East Aquaponics Association)

Nice :-)

Thank you for sharing.

God bless

Rob Torcellini said:

The Arc of Meriden has a new system in their greenhouse.  They invited me down to tour their greenhouse and say hello to their visitors:  CT Governor Dan Malloy and the Commissioner for the Department of Agriculture, Steven Reviczky.

There were several new groups (video and newspapers) there.  Here is one clip from Channel 8 (ABC).  Oddly, they don't mention anything about the head of the state being there! 

Aquaponic greenhouse yields food for business:

-Rob T  (Chair for the North East Aquaponics Association)

Here are some other news stories about this setup:  (includes video)

Meriden Record-Journal

Recent article on AP on KOIN 6 in Portland:



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