Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

my husband is starting a group called "I lost my wife/spouse to AQUAPONICS"

I started my aquaponics interest 6 years ago in philippines. And when I got married i moved here in CA. i said to myself i can finally start my aquaponic becuase there's a community here. Before it was hard to get people interested with my passion. they either have no idea what i was talking about or because of Filipino mentality being always afraid to embrace technology. For us it's complicated and expensive. 

So i decided to design the simplest system i can imagine.

-I bought 3 used grow beds for $75 arrange in cascading order. (like philippine rice terraces) 

-3 Bell siphon 

-A 6ftwide 15inches snapset kiddie pool 

-Jim's Plant floater from Taiwan Aquaponics

-Pea Gravel that I got for free from CRAIGLIST

-5in1 Test Strip 


And my choice of fish is goldfish. 10cents in petsmart not to mention they can withstand cold  therefore i dont have to put heater. Also I can never eat my own produce as i have the tendency to be attached to them. Especially that my daughter will start naming each one of them. 


This is the story of why my husband is starting a group called. "I lost my wife to AQUAPONICS!"

Watch out they will be attacking our community! 





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i know the drawing is funny hahaha and perhaps the concept too hahaha


I actually had a similar concept except I went left to right ... might need some way to walk up between the beds in order to plant then unless you got some real long arms :).

i thought about that. that's why i chose a 2feet x 4feet grow bed. my arms are 2 feet long. hahaha

also i will place my system in the center. so i can "walk" around them. 

what kind of structure are you putting them in?

for now nothing. what is your suggestion?


how much space do you have ... ie how wide .. how long .. not sure of your weather .. do you freeze in winter ??
my 2 cents worth .. grow bed is going to need around 26 gallons ... so the first grow bed will fill at a rate depending on yout pump ? .... the bell siphon will rush all this at one shot to the next bed so you may need to slow it down .. also allow at least six inches per level for you bell siphons when they drain to the next level (give or take) If you add a 50 gallon barrel as a sump  coming off the fish tank this will give a little playroom and keep your fish happier ... your highest level would be about 4'-6"

I would recommend an API freshwater master test kit. I am not sure how well a 5in1 test strip works but the API is great. 

I think it's kind of silly to raise goldfish when you can raise an edible fish.

hi chris. thanks. i did order API test kit also on its way. anyway, I have contemplated on raising edible fish but after months of careful deliberation i have come to a conclusion that gold fish is more appropriate for me. First of all, i know how everyone thinks that "oh you can feed the whole family with your aquaponics" it's true for most of us but in my case, none of my family members would ever eat anything that are raise in our backyard, for them it is a PET FISH. I have no problem eating fish as i came from a fish-eating country I cook the whole fish with scales along with it and guess what, if only bones can be eaten i would eat it too.

My husband and my kids also thinks that it is equally silly to EAT fish that is from your backyard. It's just a matter of preference.

Ok Jon, thanks for your input. i will give allowance for siphon. i will redesigning it. and post picture. But i dont think i would like another ugly looking sump in my set-up. No matter how much you hide a sump. it will still show. I want a set-up that is beautiful, like a beautiful garden that is attractive. You know the first complain i heard when i started sharing the concept of aquaponic is... "it looks ugly, i dont want that in our backyard!". some aquapon hide their set-up because housemates complain of the "LOOK".... Aquaponic is a wonderful brilliant system and i want to avoid the "ugly" look. the "experiment" look. Like a laboratory look. just my opinon. 

Jon Nose said:

my 2 cents worth .. grow bed is going to need around 26 gallons ... so the first grow bed will fill at a rate depending on yout pump ? .... the bell siphon will rush all this at one shot to the next bed so you may need to slow it down .. also allow at least six inches per level for you bell siphons when they drain to the next level (give or take) If you add a 50 gallon barrel as a sump  coming off the fish tank this will give a little playroom and keep your fish happier ... your highest level would be about 4'-6"

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