Aquaponic Gardening

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I live in Indiana and want to try my hand a aquaponic gardening.  Does anyone know where I can inexpensively purchase a breeding group of tilapia, duckweed, and water testing kits?  Also, has anyone tried growing duck weed?  Is it easy to grow?

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Welcome Jennifer!

I would select a type of system first. Barrel, IBC, ect. The system you build will be deciding factor in what you can put into it.

Earl Ward is in Indiana, he might be able to help you out stuff in Indiana

Earl Ward

I believe Rodney Farmer might be able to help out with Tilapia

Rodney Farmer

Sylvia sells Testing kits



Duckweed might best be found locally.  Know of any ponds around you could visit with a bucket?  Or perhaps there is a pond plant nursery, many of those will give you duckweed for free if you buy anything else.

Thanks a bunch!  :)

TCLynx said:

Earl Ward is in Indiana, he might be able to help you out stuff in Indiana

Earl Ward

I believe Rodney Farmer might be able to help out with Tilapia

Rodney Farmer

Sylvia sells Testing kits



Duckweed might best be found locally.  Know of any ponds around you could visit with a bucket?  Or perhaps there is a pond plant nursery, many of those will give you duckweed for free if you buy anything else.

Thanks!  These are great ideas, very helpful!


TCLynx said:

Earl Ward is in Indiana, he might be able to help you out stuff in Indiana

Earl Ward

I believe Rodney Farmer might be able to help out with Tilapia

Rodney Farmer

Sylvia sells Testing kits



Duckweed might best be found locally.  Know of any ponds around you could visit with a bucket?  Or perhaps there is a pond plant nursery, many of those will give you duckweed for free if you buy anything else.


I would be glad to help out I will be back in IN. by the 17th of June

Here is our website and this has our address and pictures of systems

I know there's a tilapia source in Indiana, because that's where my local livestock (at an Asian grocery) comes from here in Grand Rapids, MI.  Unfortunately ALL I know is that they came from somewhere in Indiana, so you'll have to do the search engine sleuth-work.  Duckweed is in most ponds around here, but also many people keep it in aquaria. I would check craigslist and the local aquarium club for sources before buying a culture online, but ebay/aquabid might be the easiest.  Water test kits you can also get through many aquarium/pet stores, brick-and-mortar or online. I have this kit, which is the most readily available:
Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.  I think I have a handle on this now.  I have found local supliers for just about everything I need to get started and a lead for someone that may be willing to consult.  This is a great site, a great resource.  Thanks so much!
You could also call the Purdue agricultural extension office in your county. They have alot of info.

I am trying to building a system based on ebb and flow hydroponic systems and stocking the resevoir with tilapia.  I am using a small above ground swimming pool for my fish resevoir and and several plastic totes as my grow beds.  One of the grow beds is going to be absent of any growing medium and slightly modified to grow duck weed to feed to my fish.  What is your thoughts on this? I am going to purchase a small system to use while I set the bigger one up and make sure it works. 


I will also be taking Mike Vann's advice and contacting Purdue university to see if they have some other suggestions. 
Chris McMahon said:

Welcome Jennifer!

I would select a type of system first. Barrel, IBC, ect. The system you build will be deciding factor in what you can put into it.

check out Travis H. Barrelponics manual you can find it through an internet search. lots of information.
Friendly Aquaponics website advises against duckweed in aquaponics based on the troubles he had. I am not sure if anyone else had success with duckweed on this website. I am going to experment with other types of feed I create. I will let you know if they work or not.

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