Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

The Aquaponic Farmers Association (AFA) I am in the process of creating (don't google it you wont find anything yet) will be a legal platform to protect the specific needs of aquaponic farms by lobbying for law change and would also present and win cases on behalf of its members where needed to protect the interests of it's members.  Does this sound like something anyone would be interested in?  Want to be a part of it's creation? I am good at creating online applications and websites as well as configuring content management systems.  I have worked at a professional association website content management company that sold content management systems (Syscom Services, Inc.) to associations as well as integrated with all the association management 3rd party services.  This makes me a decent candidate for erecting the associations website cheaply.  What this can use most is charter members, content, direction on which issues are important, legal referrals and well... money eventually for hosting and legal fees which would come in form of membership dues at some point when this gets formalized and the charter members established.

I want this to happen to protect us, the farmers, from "the man"...

Please reply with advice, questions, interest in helping or becoming a charter member or even to let me know I am misguided would be ok :)


Daniel E Murphy

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Daniel, what is the latest status of the AFA?

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