For those not too squeamish, there could be other uses for (extra) fish, considering that a considerable portion of the fish harvest depleting our oceans goes towards manufactured feeds for commercial fish farms, farm animals, and domestic pet foods, although these would not be my first choices..
New here, hello all
If the MAX rule of thumb is 1 lb of grow out fish weight to 5 gal water-grow bed media, this assumes that you harvest at 1 pound. I am trying to calculate if I had 100 cu ft of grow bed (similar to Rachel's example) I would be able to use max 100 - 1lb fish. My dilemma is, if my primary goal is vegetation and not fish harvest, my fish will continue to grow. In my case I have started with a small system and have 4 Rocky Mountain White Tilapia. I haven't had them for a year yet and have no idea how big they will get. I plan on breeding them or getting more of the same but only harvest on rare occasion for a meal, here and there. So most of them will grow to full size. What is the full size of a Rocky Mountain White? Is it 2, 3, 5 lbs? This I believe will be a major determining factor in the sizing of my system, maybe not. Any thoughts on this?
Thanks for the info TCLynx
I am thinking of just expanding on the barrel idea for grow beds, so 100 sq ft surface using 1/2 barrels (not 100 cu ft) I believe calculates to around 60 cu ft of media or around 450 gal of media.This would bring the fish numbers down to around 90 - 1lb fish, so I can calculate from there using your above guidelines. The fry/fingerling integration also sounds like the way to go, to insure I have future fish for our plates.
Not sure of the difference between the feed requirement for adults and fry. Would you not have similar output lb for lb, adult vs fry?
Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated.
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