Aquaponic Gardening

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Image of my duck/chicken yard with the duck-a-ponics system for them to play in. To see Live Duck TV during daylight hours go to

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Comment by TCLynx on May 30, 2011 at 8:06am

NO, Duck-a-ponics is totally separate from the aquaponics.  DO NOT use bird droppings in your aquaponics unless you will cook all veggies thoroughly before eating (including lettuce.)  There are disease risks with any warm blooded fresh animal manure and it should be composted fully before being used in food systems.


The duck-a-ponics system is to keep the water nice for the ducks and grow some fodder crops for the birds while saving water (if you are not filtering or re-circulating duck water you will have to dump and replace just about daily.)


No fish in that system since the tank is galvanized and would have required lining or coating to make it useful for a fish system.

Comment by Bill Archer on May 29, 2011 at 9:06pm

Is this part of the Aquaponics for the garden?  Or just a place for the ducks to enjoy?  Or, is it a combination, using some of the duck droppings as nutrients for the water/fish, going to the plants?  Are there fish in this tank, where the ducks swim?

We used to have Muscovies, and love them!  They are great ducks!

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