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Little project I am working on so please chime in and share your thoughts, BEFORE I build this thing!!

This is my project, building a self-contained eco-systems. will add solar and renewable energy later when i learn more about it

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Comment by Bob Campbell on April 12, 2012 at 11:21am

@Max - It's called 3/8" Black Chip.  Be sure not to use road base as it is made of recycled ground up pavement.

I have since had an idea to use a crushed white rock to better reflect light and heat.  I have not done the research yet, but the idea appeals to me for my next grow bed.

Comment by Max In Missouri on April 11, 2012 at 11:10pm

@Bob, Thanks very much... I checked out your vid and learned lots... The gravel you are using? is that normal 2"- type road gravel? We have a cement factory nearby that sells river rock, should I contact them and use it instead of hydraton... thanks again

Comment by Bob Campbell on April 11, 2012 at 8:59pm

I gave your new video a thumbs up!

I'm growing indoors with south facing windows, but I discovered that I needed more light.  I'm not sure if that is your plan, but I thought I would let you know how that worked for me.

If you put beds of gravel or a tank on the top, you really need to be sure the structure will support the weight.  When I built my tank the bottom plate broke loose when the deck screws I had used to fasten it with sheared clean off.   Water and gravel are deceptively heavy.

Comment by Max In Missouri on April 11, 2012 at 4:56pm

LOL, I thought it was the "in thing" these days but yes... It's a bit much, i say

Comment by Bob Campbell on April 11, 2012 at 9:28am

Can you remove the music? 

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