Aquaponic Gardening

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This is the second video in my series on how the aquaponic system is set up in the geodesic dome. It details how all the plumbing is done.

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Comment by Rob Torcellini on July 26, 2012 at 9:57am

You're welcome to take any ideas you want out of the's why I put them out there!  I'm glad you're enjoying them!

Comment by Glen McDonald on July 26, 2012 at 9:50am

Hi Rob,

I must compliment you on your setup. I have been following your videos, I am just getting started and have been looking at a lot of different projects commercial and otherwise and you have a very clean well thought out system. I hope you wont mind if I model my scaled up version after your impressive work. I just started putting together a backyard system together with my brother. Our goal is to be totally year round, self sufficient and off grid in a colder climate. We will make it work this year over the winter and in to the spring. When we have the expected success we will ramp at least 10 fold.
We are confined to a 200sq/ft greenhouse at present. Keep up the awesome work, look forward to your next video.

Comment by Rob Torcellini on July 23, 2012 at 7:12pm

so far, they've been fine.  I did buy a set of spares, just in case,  They were really cheap pumps so I didn't want to risk not have a backup.  (I bought 4 pumps for maybe $120 - don't remember the exact cost).  They have a 2 year warranty so I figured they can't be too bad....

Comment by Jim Hall on July 23, 2012 at 5:43pm
Aloha Rob,
Nice system and great video work!
I'm curious about the 12v bilge pump. I started out using them, was cautioned that they wouldn't hold up. I ended up going through 3 in the last year. All about 550gph. They start to get real noisy as they wear out. What are your expectations on them?
Comment by Rob Torcellini on July 22, 2012 at 7:44pm

Thanks Dennis.  I've been working on a modification to the rocket mass heater so that it can burn either wood or pellets.  I'm hoping to be able to feed it wood when I'm around (since I have to feed it every hour or so), then then convert it to pellets for the days or nights I'm not around.   I'll document that part too!

Comment by Dennis Hayes on July 22, 2012 at 5:01pm

I've been watching since you began construction of your geodesic dome greenhouse. Your hard work and dedication have been inspirational to say the least!  Of course, as fascinating as every stage of your documentary has been. the integration of aquaponics into your greenhouse has captured my novice aquapon imagination fully and I just wanted to make the time to say, "Thank You! " for a truly fine example of turning dreams to reality. I have no doubt that every question will have been answered (I was particularly interested in your super-efficient furnace and its performance) so please include me as a fan who will continue to watch with interest for as long as you make this video log available.

D. Hayes, California

Comment by Rob Torcellini on July 20, 2012 at 6:57pm

all the video is shot,  I just need to find 10+ hours to pick through it, do the graphics, write the copy, and record the voice over.    It will probably be done within 2 weeks.

Comment by Stuart Polkinghorne on July 20, 2012 at 6:52pm

Great video Rob. thank you for sharing it with us, I like you siphon set up too..

When do we get the next one?

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