ChinampaphotoChinampa4 LikesJulie WeinsteinMemberJulie Weinstein1 LikeDIY submersible water heater, build your own…***Be sure to use a GFI plug with this!***
here is a link to the Through-Wall version <a href=""></a>
COPPER WA…DiscussionDIY submersible water heater, build your own…5 Likesoct 2010photooct 20103 LikesBarrel Aquaponics Spring 2011 - 1photoBarrel Aquaponics Spring 2011 - 11 LikeNew temporary seedling area made of used mat…photoNew temporary seedling area made of used mat…2 Likes11-5-11-2photo11-5-11-21 Like11-18-11 005photo11-18-11 0051 Like11-18-11 004photo11-18-11 0041 LikeIMG_0019photoIMG_00191 Like100_0614photo100_06142 Likesscan0004photoscan00041 Like2011-09-16 001 2011-09-16 084photo2011-09-16 001 2011-09-16 0841 Like100_3595photo100_35951 Like100_3597photo100_35971 LikeIMG_20111109_072957 - CopyphotoIMG_20111109_072957 - Copy1 LikeIMG_20111109_073123 - CopyphotoIMG_20111109_073123 - Copy1 LikeIMG_20111109_073137 - CopyphotoIMG_20111109_073137 - Copy1 LikeIMG_20111109_081330 - CopyphotoIMG_20111109_081330 - Copy1 LikeIMG_20111109_073159 - CopyphotoIMG_20111109_073159 - Copy1 LikeIMG_20111109_081357photoIMG_20111109_0813571 Like