IMG_20111109_083452photoIMG_20111109_0834523 LikesTestphotoTest1 LikeMain EntrancephotoMain Entrance2 LikesT5's need to be replaced every 6 months - Tr…T5's need to be replaced every 6 months - True or False?
I run mine about 15 hours/day and got them 5 months ago. I read somewhere that they should be replaced every 6 months because the intensity d…DiscussionT5's need to be replaced every 6 months - Tr…1 Like001photo0012 LikesMy Koi PondphotoMy Koi Pond1 LikeMore FishphotoMore Fish2 Likes018photo0181 Likethesystemphotothesystem1 Like
October 2011
APunitsetup2photoAPunitsetup21 Like10-29-11-4photo10-29-11-41 Like10-29-11-2photo10-29-11-21 LikeAPphotoAP5 Likesaquaponic 062photoaquaponic 0622 Likesaquaponic 022photoaquaponic 0221 Likeaquaponics_setupphotoaquaponics_setup2 LikesGeodesic DomephotoGeodesic Dome2 LikesSunrise on the new domephotoSunrise on the new dome5 LikesBreedersphotoBreeders1 LikeFingerligsphotoFingerligs2 LikesSmaller fingerlingsphotoSmaller fingerlings2 Likes