Aquaponic Gardening

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Gina Cavaliero's Comments

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At 8:50pm on November 21, 2011, misita ningsih said…

hii gina thanks ^_^

At 7:58am on November 10, 2011, Tom McLemore said…

Thank for the welcome. It was very nice to talk to Sylvia and I hope I can live up to her expectations for this position. Look forward to getting to know you as well. Your energy and enthusiasm for AP definitely is a driving force. 

At 6:40pm on November 8, 2011, Dave Lindstedt said…

So what changes have you made in the operation of the farm since I saw you in May?

At 7:11am on November 7, 2011, jabber Al Mazrouei said…
Thanks Gina, we hope to start shipping system in containers world wide if you ever have anyone interested please let us know, we will also launch training courses soon, JBA had been appointed by The Aquaponic Doctor as their GCC represantative It is Dr Rakocy Company.
At 7:34am on October 30, 2011, Kay Spring said…
Hi Gina, I am so impressed with your company....I've visited your website a lot and have watched all your videos. My husband and I are going to schedule a visit to your farm soon. Can't wait to see it in person!
At 1:53pm on October 17, 2011, Jonathan Farrand said…
I'm still a yearling into aquaponics but am persuing it as a career. I will be, hopefully sooner than later, at aquaponic events to come. I am planning to cross some Will Allen style with Eliot Coleman, now add alot of aquaponics. My goal is to raise product through the winter with double greenhouses and large water volumes. The short, story bits of everything I have learned on this site. And who wants to pay for lighting when we are blessed with the sun! Aquaponics for life!!
At 12:03pm on September 26, 2011, Carol Udd said…

Hi Gina,
I need to change my email address for this newsletter.
Where on the site can I do that.


At 8:13am on September 19, 2011, Sahib Punjabi said…

Namaste Gina,


You are welcome :-)


I am sure that all who visited Green Acres also really enjoyed themselves and witnessed another version of a fantastic commercial Aquaponic setup.


God bless

At 2:22pm on September 2, 2011, David Rosenstein said…

Well its had water and fish in it since April. But I had high pH (8.5), tried to lower for about 6 weeks trying all the tricks, then last resort was peat moss. Which worked great, until the pH tanked to 3.9 over 10 days. I spent the next 2-3 months dealing with false starts, actual starts, then system collapse. Log story short, I learned that it was an unsolvable problem (factoring in time/ money). So I completely drained the system, (neat trick with live fish!), and started over. Within days the problems were relics of history. Now have high levels of nitrates, but also a nitrite spike. I'm planing to write a detailed report. I learned a lot from this, none of which was in any class or manual. Oh and thanks to you, I did not have any issues with paint! :)


At 11:16pm on September 1, 2011, David Rosenstein said…

I think I set the record for the most tumultuous start up possible. But over the hump now and enjoying the food. Its must be still an immature system, because it has not been as robust as I expected.


At 5:11am on August 30, 2011, Carey Ma said…
Awe...gee..shucks. You make me blush. But seriously. With respect.Nice job!
At 10:19pm on August 8, 2011, ericaloves2learn said…
Thank you Gina! I will try to log in regularly and read (and learn) about aquaponics in my little bit of free time joggling two toddlers! SO excited about this! 
At 11:53pm on August 7, 2011, the mad german said…

No thank you,

Hopefully I can pick up some pointers when I expand next year, and maybe if its even possible give you some. You have a great setup and seem to have a great facility and plan.

PS. kudos on the kool-aid article.

the mad german

At 5:09pm on August 4, 2011, Deb Ashlock said…

Hi Gina,

Thanks for your welcome to the group. To be honest, my boyfriend is the one who is most interested in seriously pursuing aquaponics . We were perusing your interesting site on my computer and I decided to join:) I do have an interest in the topic however. My ex husband had started a tank in our basement so am remotely familiar with the concept. Fascinating!


At 8:11pm on August 3, 2011, Japan Aquaponics - アクアポニックス 日本 said…
Thanks Gina, it is good to be on the site and I hope to get, and contribute many ideas.  I am particularly interested in Aquaponicers in Japan - or those with an interest in Japan... there has to be a few out there right?!
At 5:59pm on August 2, 2011, Carey Ma said…

Thanks so much for your kind words. I doubt I would think and act the way I do if I wasn't a Treky. Star Trek gave me hope that one day mankind can live in peace, with knowledge instead of money being the driving force behind society (upside-down economics).


I also have to thank Monsanto for stealing my inheritance (family farm), waking me up to the evils of big Ag.

At 11:04am on August 2, 2011, Carol Udd said…

Thanks Gina for your warm welcome.  I look forward to learning and sharing in the future. The following is a site I have frequented and day-dreamed about for a while; it includes aquaponics but is on a commercial scale. All three videos are in one place on this Australian site, which is very handy:



At 8:51am on August 2, 2011, Christopher McGuire said…
Thanks for the welcome.  Looking forward to getting to know like minded people on this site!
At 8:10pm on August 1, 2011, Nannette Mccloy said…

Thank you Gina for the warm welcome to this group.  I hope to see you soon at the training in September if it is not already filled.  Nannette


At 9:25am on August 1, 2011, Pamela Nixon said…

Thank You for the warm welcome. I have 100 blue tilapia fingerlings. I am waiting on my fresh water fishing buddy to bring some pumps and parts to set up 1-2 snap set 552 gal tanks and a 900 gal vinyl pool for a grow tank. I can build on a starter system. I need to make shelf racks for planter garden grow beds. I am on SSI disability and have a very tight budget. I have no aptitude or skill for pipes and plumbing stuff. Pamela

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