This post first appeared on Cold Weather Aquapoincs

We had a great time at the Tour de Tanks event at Maple Bottom (our little urban homestead) this weekend. Beautiful weather and even more beautiful conversations!
Got the try out the new backyard classroom. Had some of the most creative and thoughtful questions and suggestions from Paul, Ben, Don, and Jocelyn. Stellar breakfast prepared and served by Elizabeth, Elizabeth, and Marilou. Gorgeous photos by Ken Sweitzer.
My personal favorite moment was when Ben's six-year-old son Finn met the trout. He didn't take his eyes off the tank for at least an hour.
Enjoy the photos. The full album can be found at
Can't wait to keep the conversation going!
Sara & Annali Enjoying Breakfast with Aquapoinc Spinach

Outdoor Classroom in Use
Greenhouse in Full Bloom

The Homestead with Hairy Vetch Cover Crop
Our Little Home

Flowers a-Bloomin

Tank for use at the Permaculture Convergence Workshop

Big Smile from Elizabeth
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