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Outdoor aquaponic garden shade structure completion

March 15th was the completion of my new outdoor aquaponic garden consisting of a 10' long dual metal rain gutter system that flows into an existing filter box then onto a nft tube then back into the fish tank. I covered it with 40% shade cloth I got at Amazon for a steal.

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Comment by Jim Fisk on March 23, 2013 at 5:15am

Oh well. Hard to tell from the pics. You may want to check further, or not.

Comment by David Schwinghamer on March 22, 2013 at 10:47pm

Well I was talking with my brother about carving a hole in the mountain and he felt that because the mountain is so flaky it would crumble going into the mountain.

Comment by Jim Fisk on March 22, 2013 at 4:52pm

Nice! Sky's the limit. There are lots of ways to break up stone so ask around.

Comment by David Schwinghamer on March 22, 2013 at 4:20pm

It looks like I have about 115 feet from that mountain face to the border of my property.

Comment by Jim Fisk on March 22, 2013 at 2:12pm

As deep as $ allows:-) Is it on your property and how far back does your property go? are the first considerations. What is it? Looks to be granite? Tough stuff but one hell of a prepper shelter. If you're serious you might ask around as to who is knowledgeable around your parts when it comes to stone. My thoughts here are to excavate and if no bedrock I may purchase a galv quonset hut and treat it and bury it and then put an out house or something as a camo entrance. Loved the movie that used an old car and when u opened the hood, there were the stairs. Forget what movie but I sure remember that!

Comment by David Schwinghamer on March 22, 2013 at 1:46pm

How deep would you go?

Comment by Jim Fisk on March 22, 2013 at 12:21pm

Rent a jack hammer. Screw the HOA. They take themselves way too seriously anyhow

As soon as I get caught up around here (like that'll ever happen) I plan on using our Swinger loader to start digging one into our hill. I need the soil to build a pond dam anyhow. No HOA around here TG!

Comment by David Schwinghamer on March 22, 2013 at 10:57am

Thats a great idea Jim but I think the HOA wouldn't like that unless you know of explosives that dont make any noise?

Comment by Jim Fisk on March 22, 2013 at 8:26am


If I had that rock face in my backyard I would be blasting a root cellar straight away. In grade school (50 yrs ago) I had a French tutor who's husband had made the most amazing underground complex in just such a cliff in their backyard complete with bar and about 100 nude pics of young ladies. Her gorgeous daughter about my age had absolutely no inhibitions showing them all to me. Now that's something you never forget

Comment by Jim Fisk on March 22, 2013 at 8:20am

That Cosco unit is expensive because it is an easy-up design for doing shows. A back yard unit of the same size runs about 100.00 or even less at deal stores.

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