Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

I have something new that has interested me, it's called aquaponics! I am doing my homework, like I always do before starting off on a new adventure.

I asked Marcia if she would be interested in a water feature that we could eat? She of course looked at me strange an wondered what I was talking about. I explained what I basically knew about aquaponics and she thought it might be "fun". So here I am with my first posting to this new adventure blog to document our progress.

Finding this forum was a very good step. I have also found a supplier of 275 gallon totes, which we will be using for our system. I also found a solar powered fountain pump with battery backup for our water circulation needs.

By reading this forum I learned about expanded clay pebbles hydroponic grow rocks as a medium,  fish to water ratios, and water flow rates. So we are well on our way to planning our system.

Views: 66


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Comment by edalmaraz on February 23, 2012 at 7:08pm

I noticed that you mentioned expanded clay pebbles (Hydroton) as a grow medium.  From my research (No APsystem yet) it seems that 3/4" gravel offers more support for taller plants.  For instance, if you plan on planting corn in hydroton the wind will have a greater chance of knocking the corn over than if it were in the gravel medium.  On the up side to hydroton, it is easier on your hands when planting and a much lighter medium.  There is a discussion in the link below.


Comment by Bob Vento on February 22, 2012 at 10:52am

Ran into a snag today ... determining the proper pumping system needed for our set up.

I really wanted to use solar power to run my system but have been advised not to, because there is not enough flow rate or head height.

My concern is when the power goes out? What then? With solar this is or no concern. So my search continues on this quest.

Comment by Bob Vento on February 21, 2012 at 1:00pm

Recently I located the most of my needed Aquaponic supplies LOCALLY and I am so happy. I also saw an awesome video about making an inexpensive bell siphon for my flood and drain grow bed. The more I read the more I learn. This is very exciting and I can't wait to get started.

Comment by Sylvia Bernstein on February 19, 2012 at 2:50pm

Fun, Bob!  We will look forward to hearing more about your adventure as it progresses.

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