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Attached is Photo of my setup.

Views: 205


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Comment by Steven Melnick on September 16, 2014 at 5:59am

Its a flood and drain system with a bell siphon very easy to build sell bell siphon Bell Siphone Link to order from

Comment by Dana Choate on September 15, 2014 at 7:35pm

I think I will make one like your second one. Is it a flood and drain system with a bell sypion? 

Comment by Steven Melnick on September 15, 2014 at 6:43pm
Comment by Steven Melnick on September 15, 2014 at 6:41pm

This setup wont work for him then you would need something like my other setup*gVyO6LWZIGRBi*1TyDKFuIOzLKpgNRO9yIMqncd8S9SlCTHnRfq6ApjmESdAQqdqiLBv2xa*/10661744_684204368328171_2119564634999280558_o.jpg?width=737&height=493

Its a 11 Gallon Rubber Tub over a 40 Gallon fish tank I think 5 gallon will be to small 30 should work try some Gold They produce a lot of waste  and the plants will grow fast

Comment by Dana Choate on September 15, 2014 at 6:35pm

He wants to grow some lettuce since we use so much of it on a regular basis. Does the water flow from one end to the other? We have some 4" pipe and a 5 gallon tank. We were going to get a few golfish since they are only $ .20 ea. I will need the caps for the ends of the pipe. How does yours flow back into the tank? Where did you get your pump? What is the brown stuff in the netcups?

Comment by Steven Melnick on September 15, 2014 at 6:29pm

Hi Dana,

This setup is good for plants that have very small roots if you put cucumber other big plants it will clog the PVC pipe and over flow to tank below I used a small pump its very easy to setup Home Depot will have all the PVC for you if you have any question let me know.

Comment by Dana Choate on September 15, 2014 at 6:16pm

I really like your set up. I am looking for a simple countertop set up for my son who is doing an aquaponic system for his 5th grade science fair project.  How does the water flow to and from your system?  It is hard to tell from the picture. More pictures would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for any info!

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