Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Green Acre Aquaponics's Blog (3)

The heat

So far our experience with the heat has not been a particularly pleasant one.  It seemed to have jump completely over spring here in Florida and gone right to summer.  Our friends in Colorado just had snow and we just had 90's. 


Through March, the heat wasn't too bad and although the lettuces looked a little wilty in the afternoon, it didn't seem to be too bad.  Then the first week after our commercial training we had 4 days of clouds and rain.  By the fifth day when the sun…


Added by Green Acre Aquaponics on April 24, 2011 at 11:24pm — 9 Comments

Farmer's Market and Aquaponics

Today we sold at our 3rd different farmer's market.  Despite the early morning hours that make you very aware that you are really farming, the markets have been a wonderful experience.  Today's market was in our home town of Brooksville and although it started off slow, soon there was a steady trickle of people strolling by.  Many stop and stare incredulously with quite the perplexed look on their faces at our small aquaponic demo unit.  We built a tiny table top unit with a grow bed…


Added by Green Acre Aquaponics on February 26, 2011 at 10:56pm — 6 Comments

Aquaponics as an Energy Source

Aha!  I prbably got lots of you with that title!  Hehe.  You are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about.  I know it is a bit deceiving, but its what came to mind as I wanted to blog some more about my aquaponics experience.  Aquaponics has certainly been a personal energy source for me, hence the title.  Lately, I sleep little and talk a mile a minute.  Its like a caffiene rush after drinking 13 RedBulls but without the jitters.  Not that I have ever drank 13…


Added by Green Acre Aquaponics on February 11, 2011 at 12:21am — 3 Comments

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