Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Barbara McLain's Blog (8)

New Farmer Update - Week 2

Just finished week 2 of my adventure in aquaponics yesterday.  So thankful for the people in here and on who have given me suggestions.  I even got an answer to my silly question about "what the heck do I do with basil?" (As you can predict, besides never having grown anything before-- I'm also not a gourmet cook). Fortunately, I like pesto pasta!

Week 2 of "Auntie's Food Machine": To my amazement, my fish are still alive. Most of my…


Added by Barbara McLain on August 23, 2012 at 4:25pm — 1 Comment

A No - Pump System - Aquaponics Using No Electricity

The more I learn about aquaponics, the more I realize that there are many, many "ways" or designs that will construct aquaponic systems that work.  I love the innovation in this field right now--- so many interesting ideas.

This strange system totally fascinated me, so I'm going to post a link to this gentleman's description of how you can build an aquaponic…


Added by Barbara McLain on August 19, 2012 at 2:30pm — 15 Comments

How I spent my summer vacation - building aquaponics

It's been a crazy summer as I worked to try to build my first aquaponics system.  This week has had many milestones:

  1. System was finished and started up (Tuesday)
  2. Placed my first seedlings (Tuesday)
  3. Tried the Olomana Cycling system [Added fish, more seedlings, "live cinder" & worms all at once] (Wednesday)
  4. Planted my first seeds (of my life) in a seed tray (Thursday)
  5. Upgraded to a bigger air pump; got my azola and started a worm…

Added by Barbara McLain on August 10, 2012 at 8:36pm — 4 Comments

Each One, Teach One!

As I've learned about aquaculture and aquaponics over the past 3 years-- I sometimes wished I could go back 40 years and re-design how I spent that time.  Knowing what I know now--- I definitely would have chosen a different career. But.. we can never go back.. big sigh here.  

Becoming an evangelist for aquaponics is not hard to do, but everyone needs to do…


Added by Barbara McLain on July 22, 2012 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Food Safety

Made this picture today for our ATOLL program Facebook page.  Thought I'd share it here.  There are so many reasons I've become an evangelist for aquaponic farming...  So glad that this community is spreading the word and growing.  We need to get at least 25% of the entire world population growing at least some of their food by 2050.



Added by Barbara McLain on June 6, 2012 at 12:18pm — No Comments

Organic Pest Control for Aquaponics

One of my daily "alerts" for google search is set to look for "organic" farming.  Today, I ran across an interesting site that led me to search a bit for organic pest control solutions.  To start with, I read this story about a guy with an aquaponics system near a house that was sprayed for cockroach prevention... (that's what started me off on this quest..LOL)

“I got a phone call early in the week that house was due for annual spider and cockroach spray.” said Rod, “I…


Added by Barbara McLain on May 25, 2012 at 11:41am — 6 Comments

An Internet Video Compilation for Germinating Seeds for Aquaponics

I'm a technology evangelist and software collector.  One interesting tool I tried out, was one that allows you to create a collection of youtube videos on any topic.  This is one of my first trials of the tool to create a compilation of videos about "germinating seeds"...great information for anyone getting started in aquaponics.  …


Added by Barbara McLain on May 19, 2012 at 9:26pm — 3 Comments

Major Honolulu Home Builder Integrates Aquaponics

Was thrilled today as I read this story in our
 Honolulu Star Advertiser newspaper about D.R. Horton-Schuler, a large housing developer, who is now adding aquaponic ponds for edible fruits and vegetables into the landscape design for their numerous housing projects.   Wow.  If all the builders around the world would do the same, we could make major progress towards increased awareness of ---food security--- the benefits of aquaculture & aquaponics---and…


Added by Barbara McLain on May 16, 2012 at 7:37pm — 10 Comments

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