Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Jamie P Holcomb's Blog (2)

Nitrates Low

Quick question concerning the balance of all the things going on in my aquaponics. Lately my fish have stopped eating and it is starting to concern me. My parameter levels are pH-6.6, ammonia-.5, nitrites-.25, nitrates-5. Are these normal ranges for an aquaponics? I thought I had read that the ammonia and nitrites should be near 0 once the system is cycled. The system was cycled before I added fish where ammonia and nitrites were basically 0 and nitrates were at least 80. Since I added fish…


Added by Jamie P Holcomb on June 13, 2014 at 8:02am — 1 Comment

Worring about my fish

Hey everyone,

I am a little worried about my fish they have all of a sudden stopped eating, or at least coming to the surface to get the food.  In fact I haven't seen any fish in the last couple of days. The water is so murky that I can't see the bottom but I was able to see the fish as they came up for food. The other day I used a brush to move some the waste at the bottom of the tank around in hopes that it would find it's way to the pump and up into the grow bed. This is when I…


Added by Jamie P Holcomb on June 9, 2014 at 7:15am — 2 Comments

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