Hello, Mike!
Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying my blog.
I haven't stopped posting, but it's been raining every day so I haven't been able to do more of the contruction. So there's just nothing to post. When I get more done, I'll post about it.
A lot of people do raise their own tilapia. I have looked into it. One of the downsides is that breeding females don't grow as large since they put their energy into egg production. Also, males will get territorial and mean around breeding femals and other males. So if you wish to breed them, it's best to separate the breeders into a separate tank. This tank either has to be very large or have special hiding places for the females. So it becomes a very complicated process that also takes up extra space.
In my case, I happen to live less than an hour from a man who raises tilapia on a HUGE scale and will sell me babies very cheaply. So for me it is easier to purchase his than to raise my own.
Yes, I do hope to be able to sell some of what I grow and raise, but I'm a few years away from that at least. Many things may change before then.
Welcome! I'm afraid I had to delete your comment from my blog. It appeared to be a lot of jumbled text from various other places on this website. Perhaps you pasted something accidentally? I would love to hear what you have to say, if you'd like to leave a new comment.
Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions. Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic.
A great place to start is to read the How to Use This Site link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.
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Thank you. I'm glad you are enjoying my blog.
I haven't stopped posting, but it's been raining every day so I haven't been able to do more of the contruction. So there's just nothing to post. When I get more done, I'll post about it.
A lot of people do raise their own tilapia. I have looked into it. One of the downsides is that breeding females don't grow as large since they put their energy into egg production. Also, males will get territorial and mean around breeding femals and other males. So if you wish to breed them, it's best to separate the breeders into a separate tank. This tank either has to be very large or have special hiding places for the females. So it becomes a very complicated process that also takes up extra space.
In my case, I happen to live less than an hour from a man who raises tilapia on a HUGE scale and will sell me babies very cheaply. So for me it is easier to purchase his than to raise my own.
Yes, I do hope to be able to sell some of what I grow and raise, but I'm a few years away from that at least. Many things may change before then.
Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community! I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics. There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions. Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic.
A great place to start is to read the How to Use This Site link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.
Please add a photo of yourself and participate!
Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.