Aquaponic Gardening

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Kathryn Cope
  • Female
  • Kenduskeag, ME
  • United States
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  • Chris Downs
  • Matt T.
  • Sylvia Bernstein

Kathryn Cope's Discussions

Hi from Kenduskeag, Maine

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kathryn Cope Oct 8, 2012. 1 Reply

I have been looking into various ways to have 4-season crops.  Trying to heat conventional green houses with oil or electric can be cost prohibitive when you are on a fixed income.  As a disable vet…Continue

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21yr veteran, mechanic backround, 3yr horticultural schooling(college), worked in with plant nurseries, private homes as gardener, grow my food - conventional in ground - organically also tend to bring in certain plants to over winter - peppers, parsley - no greenhouse as of yet but plenty of windows and supplement lighting. also have geese, chickens and small orchard started on 2ac of land with good southern exposure and a east slope as well as flat area. Have experience with handling sheep, calves and young horses as well....kinda of a jack of all trades - master of none person.

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At 5:57pm on October 11, 2012, Matt T. said…

Hi Kathryn,

   Brookies sound like a good choice for your area. What could be better than raising a native species in its own environment? You'll have to keep that water well oxygenated and moving for trout. I think with the cooler water temps that they like, you could probably grow some good lettuces, brasicas, or any other cool weather crops. Those are some of my favorite crops in the garden, as I am constantly gazing through the Johnny's Seed Catalogs all winter.

   Growing under your porch sounds interesting. Is it enclosed and insulated? Its nice that you have hot water heat. So much you can do with that. I wonder if there is a way you can install a zone style thermostat to keep your tanks at a seperate temp, than your house's temp?

   I am still working on my bell siphon for my IBC system. I am just missing the gravel gaurd. I don't like the thought of buying a twelve foot section of 6" diameter PVC, just to use a few feet of it. And buying a pre-made on just isn't me. I've been a machinist for 30 years now and should be able to come up with something. I already have the slot pattern programmed on the CNC lathe at work. We call that "government work", and I don't want the boss to know about it. Ha ha!

At 8:06pm on October 8, 2012, Matt T. said…

I know how you feel about fishing in your tanks. Lol. Fishing is my passion here in Wisconsin. What kind of fish do you plan on raising?

At 3:39pm on October 8, 2012, Matt T. said…

Absolutely Kathryn! A person can't have too many friends. I think it would be great to converse back and fourth on our ideas. I actually thought about keeping my fish in the basement, and pumping the water up through the basement windows into the greenhouse grow beds. This would save me some room in the greenhouse, and some heat in the fish tanks. Still planning in my mind however....

At 9:05pm on October 7, 2012, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Welcome Kathryn!


Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions.  Everyone is quite happy to help out new members--no question is too basic. 


A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper left corner, “Start Here” section of the Home page.  You might also find the “Aquaponic Gardening Rules of Thumb” guidelines helpful.


Please add a profile image, participate and check in with us every day!  We are constantly posting news about aquaponics and the good food movement.


Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.




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