Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Jon Baldwin
  • Aurora, CO
  • United States
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Jon Baldwin's Friends

  • James
  • Adrena lee
  • Dan Wulff
  • francis spalluto
  • LogicalHydro
  • Kellen Weissenbach
  • Le Sellers
  • Gus Cabrera
  • k edmonds
  • Green Acre Aquaponics
  • Richard Wyman
  • Tawnya Sawyer
  • Sylvia Bernstein

Jon Baldwin's Discussions

Argh! Fittings!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stephen Corbett Feb 18, 2012. 28 Replies

I've been trying to find the fittings that go through the wall of the tank that you can slide a 1 inch PVC pipe through. I could get by with two of those and one for a 2 inch PVC.  You can see them…Continue

Rule of thumb for sumps?

Started this discussion. Last reply by TCLynx Jul 16, 2011. 1 Reply

If I have about 185 gal fish tank [bottom portion of IBC], and am starting with two 75 gal grow beds (sans rock) [top 12 inches of IBC]. Is there an equation to determine the correct size (how many…Continue

Tags: sumps, sump

Small handful of noob questions...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Gary Lanning Mar 23, 2011. 4 Replies

I apologize if all of these questions have already been asked. I haven't had any luck searching the forum. If you can send me links that's fine, direct answers are even better!1.). Is there a cheaper…Continue

Tags: flow, mixed, IBC


Jon Baldwin's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
referral from another website
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Sylvia at aquaponics source
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Avid mushroom farmer, always interested in finding more/better ways to produce my own food and learn the sciences and best practices behind them.

If you watch the video on this page, this is the stuff I used to dream of before finding Sylvia's blog...

...well, that and raising an orphan army.

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 8:05am on July 25, 2013, Le Sellers said…

Okeh, how do you accept a friend request here?

At 10:07am on July 19, 2013, Le Sellers said…

Your avatar isn't very helpful. I believe I remember you from the the association meeting, but my memory isn't as good as it once was.


If you'd like, come over and see our system. It's nearly running, we need only to figure out how to raise water 16'. Lemmeno.

At 9:41am on December 30, 2011, Tawnya Sawyer said…

HI Jon-

If you still have the IBC tanks, we could use them for a school project we are setting up around the first of the year. Let me know,, or 303-232-4938

At 5:25pm on June 23, 2011, Dan Wulff said…
Hi Jon, welcome to the herd. Let me know if you need help or advice when you start building. I hope it goes well for you.
At 8:11pm on June 22, 2011, LogicalHydro said…

Hey Jon,

Nice to see another local grower!

At 10:52am on April 4, 2011, Tawnya Sawyer said…

Hi Jon-

When you use the 1/3 of the IBC for a grow bed, you have to include the metal frame around it. They are flexible and will retain some shape until you fill them and then they bulge out. We also build a wooden stand for the IBC so that is doesn't have to be totally supported by the cut part of the tank, but there are various different designs for this.

Hope this helps.

At 4:24pm on February 23, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Glad you iPad is now getting along with the site...or is it the reverse?  Were you at the Denver Botanic Garden volunteer appreciation night?  I"m betting we have a connection somewhere...
At 8:09am on January 28, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Hi Jon,


Did we meet at the Denver Botanic Gardens event?  Your name is very familiar.

Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to get in there and start asking questions.  Everyone is quite happy to help out new members – no question is too basic.  

A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.  You might also find the “Aquaponic Gardening Rules of Thumb” guidelines helpful.  And join the Colorado Aquapons group!

Please add a profile image, participate and check in with us every day!  We are constantly posting news about aquaponics and the good food movement.

Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.



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