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Comment by Eric Warwick on August 6, 2012 at 11:42am

Vlad, it's usually a spice mixture that I enjoy, but not raw peppers. I'll have to try this variety out.

Comment by Sahib Punjabi on August 6, 2012 at 6:16am

Namaste Vlad,

Glad that you confirmed that they are Cayenne peppers. I too recently came across a seed packet with pictures of yellow cayenne peppers - only one left - so soon, God willing. I will be able to share photos of such as they turn color :-)

God bless

Comment by Vlad Jovanovic on August 6, 2012 at 1:03am

Thanks Eric. We solved the mystery some while ago. They are Capsicum annuum. Yellow Cayenne peppers. Someone had given me some seeds and didn't really know what they were. I grew a bunch last spring and summer and liked really them.

I saved many seeds from this and the other plants in the fotos from this winter, and now have a garden full of these delicious peppers. They are quite hot and have a wonderful, wonderful flavor, especially when roasted. I could send you some (seeds) if you like Eric, but I warn you...they are waaay hotter than Jalapenos (if you like that sort of stuff)...They fruits also double as my insect deterrent's main ingredient in the garden.

Comment by Eric Warwick on August 6, 2012 at 12:07am

Those, sort of, look like Jalapenos, but I'm not good with different types of peppers. 

Comment by Vlad Jovanovic on March 5, 2012 at 5:43pm

Thanks Sahib They sure do look like unripe Cayennes, don't they? I'm not exactly sure what these are though. I grew a bunch this summer and they were deliciously HOT. They turn yellow when ripe (a few had orange streaks too). I thought they were some sort of Hungarian Wax pepper, but I've never tasted any H.wax as hot as these are?

Some people here called them feferone, but best I can figure that translate to peppercorns, which they are not who knows...All I know is they're darn tasty!

Comment by Sahib Punjabi on March 5, 2012 at 4:14pm

Yum...looks like Cayenne Peppers. Love their flavor :-)

God bless

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