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Comment by Rob Nash on September 26, 2011 at 4:19pm

i like to tell folks, growing stuff in an AP system is the easy part. Getting rid of it at a profit is the real challenge.

i have some peppers in a system, but they dont put out much, no bees to pollinate, and im too destracted to keep up with it by hand.

thanks for sharing your experience. i will keep you posted on this.

Comment by matthew ferrell on September 26, 2011 at 4:06pm

Currently its a logistical nightmare.  Since we are doing science, production schedules take a back seat.  That is to say we are running three production schemes, and therefore my yields are inconsistent from week to week.  Couple that with the nearest city being about 45 minutes away, and it makes time in my job for finding an outlet harder.  So currently I'm making some kick ass compost with it.  We are reworking the experiments this week to get a more consistant harvest so that we can find a vendor to take it off our hands and to make little extra money.


I'm not in the business side, but a 1.5 a head is pretty good.  Perhaps you need to hit two markets restaurants for stability and farmers markets for profit(2.5-3/head).  If you are any good at growing peppers, about ever other Nov/Dec a pepper crisis emerges and cases go from 18-22 dollars a case to 40-60.  The last 3 years I believe this has happened.  That's when you can go and unload your produce right at the local Subway and other big name stores.


Comment by Rob Nash on September 26, 2011 at 3:04pm

have you had any luck with selling the lettuce yet. i have been playing with lettuce for the first time this season, and have realized i dont have enough refrigeration, or storage or truck. and the restaurants only want to give about $1.50 a head. what do you do with all of yours. ...if you dont mind.

Comment by matthew ferrell on September 26, 2011 at 12:42pm
No, I will refrain from what I really think of what is going on.  Let's just say it won't be there for very long.  In the end blocks are way better.  We had to move a drain line right of the bat, and it took about 10 minute to work the block lines, and two days to work the wood line.  I highly recommend non-mortared block for these raceways.
Comment by Rob Nash on September 24, 2011 at 6:30am
i noticed one of your tanks doesnt apear to be made from blocks. is it like a friendly raft, made from wood. im guessing you were out of space?
Comment by Rob Nash on September 24, 2011 at 6:28am
hmm, good point. have you decided what you would go to next try?
Comment by matthew ferrell on September 22, 2011 at 10:04am
These are speedlings trays.  They look like seedling trays but are made out of Styrofoam.  I have mixed feelings about these, especially about the price per unit.  If they last a long time I might change my mind, but they are already starting to chip from usage.  They are filled with pure vermiculite, which also increased the price per tray per usage.
Comment by Rob Nash on September 22, 2011 at 6:42am
are those floating seed trays? if so what are the deats on them?

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