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Comment by Douglas Wozniak on May 15, 2012 at 6:27pm

The new USA sizing model

The new "How to use..." document - USA

I found this on Aquaponics Community. For you. New Version 2.0 Domestic System Design Tool

This will help you design the proper ratios for your system.

Comment by Tim & Rashelle Goodner on May 14, 2012 at 8:37am

Thank you Douglas thats the ratio I had come up with as well.

1 cu. ft = 7.5 gal. (roughly)

each of my grow beds are 3 cu. ft. (.5 cu ft water and 2.75 cu. ft river rock)

1 fish for every 2.5 gallons (per Murray Hallam you tube video)

again Thank you Douglas for the comfirmation I am trying to balance my system. Veggies are growing slower than expected and I now know this is because of unbalanced system.  I am very new to this and am learning from youtube videos, I am also working on getting master water testing kit along with a few reference books, but things are moving slow on those items. I do have 16 gold fish and 1  Plecos fish living in the tank. I am learning that I am making alot of common newbie mistakes but believe this will help me in the long run.

Again Thank You For taking the time to give me the info.

Comment by Douglas Wozniak on May 12, 2012 at 6:30pm

After searching the net for the answer, This is what I found a ratio of 1:1

90 gal tank = 12 Cubic Feet of space. this could be a tank 3ft x 4ft x 1ft, which translates to a grow bed of 24sqft = 3ft x 4ft x 6 inches x 2 so your max grow space is 24sqft.

You could try pushing the limit to 1:2, 1:3


Comment by Douglas Wozniak on May 12, 2012 at 5:07pm

I see no math, what formulas are you using?

Comment by Tim & Rashelle Goodner on May 10, 2012 at 9:46pm
Trying to balance system, does this math look correct

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