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Comment by TCLynx on February 13, 2011 at 3:38pm
Oh, I was growing water chestnuts in there in the summer and now I have water cress going nuts in there in the cool.  Truth is gravel to the surface of the water would work too but the bottle caps were there so I used them.
Comment by TCLynx on February 13, 2011 at 3:37pm

Well there is gravel in the bottom of the bin, and I was trying to grow some water plants but the algae build up in the surface couple inches was causing extreme pH fluctuations.  By adding the bottle caps I seem to have shaded out enough of the light that the algae is no longer causing the extreme pH issues.  So in that respect, Yea, I guess it does work.


As a general media, I don't know if it would be all that effective but I might use bottle caps in the surface layer on a settling tank perhaps.  They tend to float.

Comment by Bill Anderson on February 13, 2011 at 12:52pm
Yo TC, does this actually work? Growing what, just an experiment, etc...

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