Aquaponic Gardening

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I rebuilt the spray bar because it was keeping the plants wet and I think the tomatoes don't like that much water.

Views: 103

Albums: Don's Ap Project
Location: Waldron, AR


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Comment by Don Littlefield on April 25, 2011 at 12:55am
Yes we use grow beds here. These systems are Aquaponics gardens. The difference is that we use a fish tank to grow fish to eat and cycle the water trough the grow beds to remove the solids and feed the plants. In Aqua culture and Hydroponics there is a lot of wasted water doing water changes. 50 to 75 % each week. Hydroponics water is contaminated also. In Aquaponics the water is recycled and not lost. we only add water to replace spillage and evaporation. Saves a lot on water. check out the Back yard Aqua Ponics forum. There is much infomation there and many other systems to look at and read their threads on the member systems. That is where you saw me.
Comment by steve on April 24, 2011 at 8:36pm

Hi Don, Thanks for the welcome. I see you have plants growing, and looks good. Seems most systems here

use the grow beds? Probably would be better for me too especially with the frequent power outages. Seems they'd be more forgiving for the plants anyway.

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