Aquaponic Gardening

A Community and Forum For Aquaponic Gardeners

Don Littlefield
  • Male
  • Waldron, AR
  • United States
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Don Littlefield's Friends

  • Troy Smiddy
  • Michael Smith
  • Francois Zinserling
  • Jonathan Farrand
  • chris taylor Swamp Creek Farms
  • Sylvia Bernstein

Don Littlefield's Page

Profile Information

How did you find us?
a friend
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Jerry Littlefield
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media
How old is your system?
Just started
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Catfish, Other
How big is your fish tank?
1100 gallons
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I previously had a 55 gallon tube system and now am progressing to a better system AP.
I'm just beginning my garden. I have a 1100 gallon stock tank buried in the ground about 24". I have built two racks for barrels that hold 12 split barrels. The first one is full of gravel already and the second set gravel is in the back of my pickup right now. Needs washing. Why cant gravel be clean to start with. I am waiting on delivery of my indexing valve to do the pump plumbing. Need to make up the drain lines still also. I have a blog that has my pictures on it.

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:02pm on May 22, 2011, glenn wilkerson said…
hello don may name is glenn and i looks like you live in waldron just down the road. i like your system and a building one about the same size. the plans i have made include a 1000 gallon ft but i am having problems finding one did you get yours locally and how much was it thanks looking forward to talking to you
At 9:08pm on April 17, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…
Not any more 
At 8:14pm on April 1, 2011, Sylvia Bernstein said…

Welcome Don,

Thanks for joining the Aquaponic Gardening community!  I hope you find it a fun place to explore aquaponics.  There is a real blend of experienced and new aquapons in this community, so please don’t hesitate to join in.  Always thrilled to have experienced growers join us – please post some photos of your system!

A great place to start is to read the “How to Use This Site” link on the upper right corner, “Start Here” section of the Main page.

Please participate and check in with us every day!  We are constantly posting news about aquaponics and the good food movement.

Thanks again for joining us, and I look forward to getting to know you.



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