Kathleen Paynter


Montello, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
I am learning about it.
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
I work for Nelson and Pade, Inc and somedays I am lucky enough to have the resposibility to feed the fish in our experimental greenhouse. :-) It is a controlled environment so monitoring the blowers and water levels and fish appetities are all a part of the process.
I am looking to learn more about aquaponics. I'd especially like to hear about other applications and all the different plants that are grown and the success rates.

Comment Wall:

  • Sylvia Bernstein

    Hey Kathleen,

    Thanks for joining. Please upload any pics or videos about what is going on in your greenhouse that you guys are willing to share!

    Looking forward to getting to know you.

  • Kathleen Paynter

    Hi Sylvia!
    I will work on photos and such to upload.
    A question for you. On the site in order to invite invite friends, the drop down menu lists the most common ISP extensions...BUT can we send them out with our own domain name?
  • Sheila Terrault

    Hello .

    I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.

    your sister in the Lord,
    Mrs. Sheila Terrault.