Gus Cabrera


New Orleans, LA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Murray Hallam
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
I do not yet have one, but will in the next couple of months. I am researching different systems. I already have Friendly Aquaponics Micro System Manual and just ordered Murray Hallam's two videos.
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Believe it or not, I actually don't like gardening very much, but love growing plants and have always loved animals. Among other things, I am licensed falconer in the state of Louisiana, but not practicing at the moment. I am trying to retire and have a bunch of property for sale. I would like to be an Aquapon for hobby and to derive income. OK, so it's a pipe dream.

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  • TCLynx

    Just get a party of people together for the gravel washing to make quick easy work out of that and the rest is all reasonable. (tip for gravel or any other media washing, set up the work area so you don't have to bend as you wash the gravel. Bins of water up on boards across saw horses worked well for me.)
  • ericjf7

    'Lo Gus, Actually I'm living in Canada, and bought a small piece near Rivas, Buenos Aires, a short time ago, where we have gotten involved in gardening, fruit trees, bananas, papaya, yucca, etc. etc, and the hole for the fish kind of developed when two of the fellows had some spare time - now there is a need to do something with it, and aquaponics seems a good way to go (the only way?) - as much for the plants as for the fish. One obvious problem will be (covering) during the rainy season to avoid flooding and damage to the plants (tomatoes etc.). The question of viability is a good one, particularly as there is a monger going past the property on his bicycle every morning, and vegetables can usually be bought fairly readily - guess I like the idea of organics more than anything, and growing my own!

    What is your opinion as to being able to buy supplies in Nica ie. pumps, tarps, inverters etc., as I've been debating bringing most of it in from Canada, meaning of course importing some of it from the USA. With your connections to Rivas, does the family of ----- Guadelupe Caldera Pineda mean anything to you, or the Cabreras on Ometepe? My email
  • Sylvia Bernstein

    thanks for your note, Gus. I'm glad you are enjoying the site. It's a great bunch of people who are really open to sharing ideas and experiences. I'll look forward to hearing more about how you decide to build your system soon.