

San Clemente, CA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
If you found us through a referral or a newsletter, which was it?
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media, NFT, combination
How old is your system?
2 yrs or more
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Koi, Tilapia
How big is your fish tank?
100 Gal.
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
I developed my hydroponic system and have been using it since 1992'. I am now fully focused on growing aquaponically for family food production. I have a 3 yr old son-. We love our Fish and Veggie Garden!

Comment Wall:

  • Homefire

    Thanks for the good humor!
  • David H. Adams

    Nice system and what a view. How big is each bed?
  • Adrena lee

    Very nice set up you have there...
  • Growzay

    Go’n Green CHALLENGE

    Hey guys,

    Rosebud Magazine and Vans would like to thank everyone who participated in the Go'n Green contest. Our winner is:

    Jose Gerard of San Clemente, California and his aquaponic system by Growzay Hydroponics. We'll have a spread in an upcoming issue of Rosebud Magazine, so keep an eye out for pics of Jose's set-up

    Big ups to everyone who participated. Keep an eye on, and follow us on Facebook  and Twitter for more cool contests coming up soon.

  • Adrena lee

    Hello there again my friend.  I just had to tell you, I have bees! Finally after waiting and waiting I have some. They started popping up 2 days ago and it's the fuzzy ones, the honey bees. I have seen at least 10 of them, lol. Before all I had was the one's with no hair, I think yellow jackets. I do have a group of bumble bees under my deck tht have always been there. I read to put out a dish with rocks and frsh water everyday to make them happy. I want them happy because I got stung up my shorts a couple years ago and it burns, lol. Hope every thing is great with you and yours. peace love
  • Adrena lee

    I see your system's help gave someone a winner in the contest for Rosebud Magazine. Cheers!!!
  • Carey Ma

    Thank you for your support. I could only wish everything I touched turned green but I do have lots of experience/ education at the school of hard knocks that teaches me what not to do in the future. I kinda skimmed through your site. Good work. Lets get this industry rolling off to a good start with honor and pride.


  • Carey Ma

    Haha...I guess that means I'm getting...wise?...Hmmm, I like that concept.

    Oh & BTW, please just call me Carey, I feel like I'm in trouble every time someone calls me by my full name
