Produce Marketing

The truth is you don't make any money growing vegetables.  To make money  you have to sell the vegetables.  At least 80% of a commercial aquaponic farm business has basically nothing to do with aquaponics.  So instead of talking about commercial aquaponics, I want this group to be about selling produce.

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  • TCLynx

    So Dave, does that $200 for the year at least cover expenses of selling like the 15% commission and the mileage or gas for going to/from the market on a weekly basis?

  • Don Cole

    I know I am new to this group and it sounds like a lot to ask but here goes. Has anyone done any kind of marketing "study" on small scale AP to determine average cost of production for various singular or mixed crops? I would be interested in compiling the information by region or geographic location. It would have to include demographic information among other varibles. If anyone is interested in this type of information maybe we can use this group in a colaborative effort to help identify methods, costs and, crops to move AP into atleast a self sustaining hobby and maybe beyond from a cost perspective. I dont mind compiling the info. I would need input as to ALL of the varibles that affect cost. This info could be used for crop selection to possibly help in forming Co-ops of AP growers in areas to help support our members and educate the public on what we do and the benefits of AP.

  • Yaacov Levi

    Something I havent seen mentioned is getting organic certified, not hard, and almost doubles your prices on everything. I m looking into it, I am in northern MI and have two locally owned groceries I will contact. Both have organic sections for produce. Right now am looking at chard, kale and cukes. This is a fun thing for me and if it looks like too much time for too little I will stick with a couple family households and add another item or two.