Don Cole


Peoria, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

How did you find us?
Search engine (Google)
If you found us through a search engine, what search words were you using?
Aquaponics Phoenix
Are you an aquaponic gardener already?
If so, what type of system? (pick all that apply)
flood and drain media
What type of fish do you grow with? (select all that apply)
Tilapia, Catfish
How big is your fish tank?
Name a part of a fish (spam blocking question)
Please tell us something else about yourself.
Just starting out. Building a greenhouse currently. hope to have four 300 gallon tanks and tweleve growbeds by the end of the summer up and running. Trying to learn everything I can and looking for advice and insight.

Comment Wall:

  • Clint Martineau

    Now you're not messing around! Nice start Don.